Julius 4.2
00048 /*
00049  * Copyright (c) 1991-2011 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00050  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00051  * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00052  * All rights reserved
00053  */
00055 #include <julius/julius.h>
00057 #undef DEBUG
00060 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
00061 /*                     第1パスの結果処理                     */
00062 /*              end procedure to get result of 1st pass       */
00063 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
00065 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00096 static void
00097 generate_lattice(int frame, RecogProcess *r)
00098 {
00099   BACKTRELLIS *bt;
00100   WORD_INFO *winfo;
00101   TRELLIS_ATOM *ta;
00102   int i, j;
00103   LOGPROB l;
00104   WordGraph *new;
00106   bt = r->backtrellis;
00107   winfo = r->lm->winfo;
00109   if (frame >= 0) {
00110     for (i=0;i<bt->num[frame];i++) {
00111       ta = bt->rw[frame][i];
00112       /* words will be saved as a part of graph only if any of its
00113          following word has been survived in a beam */
00114       if (! ta->within_context) continue; /* not a candidate */
00115       if (ta->within_wordgraph) continue; /* already marked */
00116       /* mark  */
00117       ta->within_wordgraph = TRUE;
00119       new = (WordGraph *)mymalloc(sizeof(WordGraph));
00120       new->wid = ta->wid;
00121       new->lefttime = ta->begintime;
00122       new->righttime = ta->endtime;
00123       new->fscore_head = ta->backscore;
00124       new->fscore_tail = 0.0;
00125       new->gscore_head = 0.0;
00126       new->gscore_tail = 0.0;
00127       new->lscore_tmp = ta->lscore;
00128 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
00129       new->cmscore = 0.0;
00130 #endif
00131       new->forward_score = new->backward_score = 0.0;
00132       new->headphone = winfo->wseq[ta->wid][0];
00133       new->tailphone = winfo->wseq[ta->wid][winfo->wlen[ta->wid]-1];
00135       new->leftwordmaxnum = FANOUTSTEP;
00136       new->leftword = (WordGraph **)mymalloc(sizeof(WordGraph *) * new->leftwordmaxnum);
00137       new->left_lscore = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * new->leftwordmaxnum);
00138       new->leftwordnum = 0;
00139       new->rightwordmaxnum = FANOUTSTEP;
00140       new->rightword = (WordGraph **)mymalloc(sizeof(WordGraph *) * new->rightwordmaxnum);
00141       new->right_lscore = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * new->rightwordmaxnum);
00142       new->rightwordnum = 0;
00144       l = ta->backscore;
00145       if (ta->last_tre->wid != WORD_INVALID) {
00146         l -= ta->last_tre->backscore;
00147       }
00148       l -= ta->lscore;
00149       new->amavg = l / (float)(ta->endtime - ta->begintime + 1);
00152       new->purged = FALSE;
00153 #endif
00154       new->saved = FALSE;
00155       new->graph_cm = 0.0;
00156       new->mark = FALSE;
00158       new->next = r->result.wg1;
00159       r->result.wg1 = new;
00161       /* recursive call */
00162       generate_lattice(ta->last_tre->endtime, r);
00163     }
00164   }
00165 }
00183 static void
00184 link_lattice_by_time(WordGraph *root)
00185 {
00186   WordGraph *wg;
00187   WordGraph *wtmp;
00188   int lefttime, righttime;
00190   for(wg=root;wg;wg=wg->next) {
00192     for(wtmp=root;wtmp;wtmp=wtmp->next) {
00193       if (wg->righttime + 1 == wtmp->lefttime) {
00194         wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword(wtmp, wg, wtmp->lscore_tmp);
00195         wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(wg, wtmp, wtmp->lscore_tmp);
00196       }
00197       if (wtmp->righttime + 1 == wg->lefttime) {
00198         wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword(wg, wtmp, wg->lscore_tmp);
00199         wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(wtmp, wg, wg->lscore_tmp);
00200       }
00201     }
00202   }
00204 }
00219 static void
00220 re_compute_lattice_lm(WordGraph *root, WCHMM_INFO *wchmm)
00221 {
00222   int i;
00224   for(wg=root;wg;wg=wg->next) {
00225     for(i=0;i<wg->leftwordnum;i++) {
00226       wg->left_lscore[i] = (*(wchmm->ngram->bigram_prob))(wchmm->ngram, wchmm->winfo->wton[wg->leftword[i]->wid], wchmm->winfo->wton[wg->wid]);
00227     }
00228     for(i=0;i<wg->rightwordnum;i++) {
00229       wg->right_lscore[i] = (*(wchmm->ngram->bigram_prob))(wchmm->ngram, wchmm->winfo->wton[wg->wid], wchmm->winfo->wton[wg->rightword[i]->wid]);
00230     }
00231   }
00232 }
00234 #endif
00250 static void
00251 put_atom(TRELLIS_ATOM *atom, WORD_INFO *winfo)
00252 {
00253   int i;
00254   jlog("DEBUG: %3d,%3d %f %16s (id=%5d)", atom->begintime, atom->endtime,
00255        atom->backscore, winfo->wname[atom->wid], atom->wid);
00256   for (i=0;i<winfo->wlen[atom->wid]; i++) {
00257     jlog(" %s",winfo->wseq[atom->wid][i]->name);
00258   }
00259   jlog("\n");
00260 }
00292 static LOGPROB
00293 trace_backptr(WORD_ID wordseq_rt[MAXSEQNUM], int *rt_wordlen, TRELLIS_ATOM *atom, WORD_INFO *winfo)
00294 {
00295   int wordlen = 0;              /* word length of best sentence hypothesis */
00296   TRELLIS_ATOM *tretmp;
00297   LOGPROB langscore = 0.0;
00298   WORD_ID wordseq[MAXSEQNUM];   /* temporal: in reverse order */
00299   int i;
00301   /* initialize */
00302   wordseq[0] = atom->wid;       /* start from specified atom */
00303   wordlen = 1;
00304   tretmp = atom;
00305   langscore += tretmp->lscore;
00306   if (debug2_flag) {
00307     put_atom(tretmp, winfo);
00308   }
00310   /* trace the backtrellis */
00311   while (tretmp->begintime > 0) {/* until beginning of input */
00312     tretmp = tretmp->last_tre;
00313 /*    t = tretmp->boundtime - 1;
00314     tretmp = bt_binsearch_atom(backtrellis, tretmp->boundtime-1, tretmp->last_wid);*/
00315     if (tretmp == NULL) {       /* should not happen */
00316       j_internal_error("trace_backptr: last trellis missing while backtracking");
00317     }
00318     langscore += tretmp->lscore;
00319     wordseq[wordlen] = tretmp->wid;
00320     wordlen++;
00321     if (debug2_flag) {
00322       put_atom(tretmp, winfo);
00323     }
00324     if (wordlen >= MAXSEQNUM) {
00325       j_internal_error("trace_backptr: sentence length exceeded ( > %d)\n",MAXSEQNUM);
00326     }
00327   }
00328   *rt_wordlen = wordlen;
00329   /* reverse order -> normal order */
00330   for(i=0;i<wordlen;i++) wordseq_rt[i] = wordseq[wordlen-i-1];
00331   return(langscore);
00332 }
00370 static void
00371 find_1pass_result(int framelen, RecogProcess *r)
00372 {
00373   BACKTRELLIS *backtrellis;
00374   WORD_INFO *winfo;
00375   WORD_ID wordseq[MAXSEQNUM];
00376   int wordlen;
00377   int i;
00378   TRELLIS_ATOM *best;
00379   int last_time;
00380   LOGPROB total_lscore;
00381   LOGPROB maxscore;
00382   TRELLIS_ATOM *tmp;
00383 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
00384   boolean ok_p;
00385 #endif
00387   backtrellis = r->backtrellis;
00388   winfo = r->lm->winfo;
00390   /* look for the last trellis word */
00392   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
00394     for (last_time = framelen - 1; last_time >= 0; last_time--) {
00396       maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00397       for (i=0;i<backtrellis->num[last_time];i++) {
00398         tmp = backtrellis->rw[last_time][i];
00399 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00400         /* treat only words on a graph path */
00401         if (!tmp->within_context) continue;
00402 #endif
00403         if (r->config->successive.enabled) {
00404           /* short-pause segmentation mode */
00405           /* 最終フレームに残った最大スコアの単語 */
00406           /* it should be the best trellis word on the last frame */
00407           if (maxscore < tmp->backscore) {
00408             maxscore = tmp->backscore;
00409             best = tmp;
00410           }
00411         } else {
00412           /* not segmentation mode */
00413           /* 最終単語は winfo->tail_silwid に固定 */
00414           /* it is fixed to the tail silence model (winfo->tail_silwid) */
00415           if (tmp->wid == winfo->tail_silwid && maxscore < tmp->backscore) {
00416             maxscore = tmp->backscore;
00417             best = tmp;
00418             break;
00419           }
00420         }
00421       }
00422       if (maxscore != LOG_ZERO) break;
00423     }
00425     if (last_time < 0) {                /* not found */
00426       jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: no tail silence word survived on the last frame, search failed\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
00427       r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_FAIL;
00428       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
00429       return;
00430     }
00432   }
00434   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
00436     for (last_time = framelen - 1; last_time >= 0; last_time--) {
00438       /* 末尾に残った単語の中で最大スコアの単語(cp_endは使用しない) */
00439       /* the best trellis word on the last frame (not use cp_end[]) */
00440       maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00441       for (i=0;i<backtrellis->num[last_time];i++) {
00442         tmp = backtrellis->rw[last_time][i];
00443 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00444         /* treat only words on a graph path */
00445         if (!tmp->within_context) continue;
00446 #endif
00447         /*      if (dfa->cp_end[winfo->wton[tmp->wid]] == TRUE) {*/
00448         if (maxscore < tmp->backscore) {
00449           maxscore = tmp->backscore;
00450           best = tmp;
00451         }
00452         /*      }*/
00453       }
00454       if (maxscore != LOG_ZERO) break;
00455     }
00457     if (last_time < 0) {                /* not found */
00458       jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: no sentence-end word survived on last beam\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
00459       r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_FAIL;
00460       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
00461       return;
00462     }
00464   }
00466   /* traceback word trellis from the best word */
00467   total_lscore = trace_backptr(wordseq, &wordlen, best, r->lm->winfo);
00468 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
00469   if (r->config->successive.enabled) {
00470     /* on segmentation mode, recognition result that only consists of
00471        short-pause words will be treated as recognition rejection */
00472     ok_p = FALSE;
00473     for(i=0;i<wordlen;i++) {
00474       if (! is_sil(wordseq[i], r)) ok_p = TRUE;
00475     }
00476     if (ok_p == FALSE) {
00477       r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_ONLY_SILENCE;
00478       return;
00479     }
00480   }
00481 #endif
00483   /* just flush last progress output */
00484   /*
00485   if (recog->jconf->output.progout_flag) {
00486     recog->result.status = 1;
00487     recog->result.num_frame = last_time;
00488     recog->result.pass1.word = wordseq;
00489     recog->result.pass1.word_num = wordlen;
00490     recog->result.pass1.score = best->backscore;
00491     recog->result.pass1.score_lm = total_lscore;
00492     recog->result.pass1.score_am = best->backscore - total_lscore;
00493     //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1_INTERIM, recog);
00494     }*/
00496   /* output 1st pass result */    
00497   if (verbose_flag || ! r->config->output.progout_flag) {
00498     r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00499     r->result.num_frame = framelen;
00500     for(i=0;i<wordlen;i++) r->result.pass1.word[i] = wordseq[i];
00501     r->result.pass1.word_num = wordlen;
00502     r->result.pass1.score = best->backscore;
00503     r->result.pass1.score_lm = total_lscore;
00504     r->result.pass1.score_am = best->backscore - total_lscore;
00505     //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1, r);
00506   }
00508   /* store the result to global val (notice: in reverse order) */
00509   for(i=0;i<wordlen;i++) r->pass1_wseq[i] = wordseq[i];
00510   r->pass1_wnum = wordlen;
00511   r->pass1_score = best->backscore;
00513 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00514   /* 単語トレリスから,ラティスを生成する */
00515   /* generate word graph from the word trellis */
00516   r->peseqlen = backtrellis->framelen;
00517   r->result.wg1 = NULL;
00518   generate_lattice(last_time, r);
00519   link_lattice_by_time(r->result.wg1);
00520   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) re_compute_lattice_lm(r->result.wg1, r->wchmm);
00521   r->result.wg1_num = wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id(&(r->result.wg1), r);
00522   /* compute graph CM by forward-backward processing */
00523   graph_forward_backward(r->result.wg1, r);
00524   //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1_GRAPH, r);
00525   //wordgraph_clean(&(r->result.wg1));
00526 #endif
00528 }
00548 static int
00549 compare_backscore(TRELLIS_ATOM **x1, TRELLIS_ATOM **x2)
00550 {
00551   return((*x2)->backscore - (*x1)->backscore);
00552 }
00573 static void
00574 find_1pass_result_word(int framelen, RecogProcess *r)
00575 {
00576   BACKTRELLIS *bt;
00577   TRELLIS_ATOM *best, *tmp;
00578   int last_time;
00579   Sentence *s;
00581   LOGPROB sum;
00582 #endif
00583   LOGPROB maxscore;
00584   int i;
00585   TRELLIS_ATOM **idx;
00586   int num;
00588   if (r->lmvar != LM_DFA_WORD) return;
00590   bt = r->backtrellis;
00591   for (last_time = framelen - 1; last_time >= 0; last_time--) {
00592     maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00593     for (i=0;i<bt->num[last_time];i++) {
00594       tmp = bt->rw[last_time][i];
00595 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00596       /* treat only words on a graph path */
00597       if (!tmp->within_context) continue;
00598 #endif
00599       if (maxscore < tmp->backscore) {
00600         maxscore = tmp->backscore;
00601         best = tmp;
00602       }
00603     }
00604     if (maxscore != LOG_ZERO) break;
00605   }
00607   if (last_time < 0) {          /* not found */
00608     jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: no word survived on the last frame, search failed\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
00609     r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_FAIL;
00610     //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
00611     return;
00612   }
00615   sum = 0.0;
00616   for (i=0;i<bt->num[last_time];i++) {
00617     tmp = bt->rw[last_time][i];
00618 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
00619     /* treat only words on a graph path */
00620     if (!tmp->within_context) continue;
00621 #endif
00622     sum += pow(10, r->config->annotate.cm_alpha * (tmp->backscore - maxscore));
00623   }
00624 #endif
00626   /* set recognition result status to normal */
00627   r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00629   if (r->config->output.output_hypo_maxnum > 1) {
00630     /* more than one candidate is requested */
00632     /* get actual number of candidates to output */
00633     num = r->config->output.output_hypo_maxnum;
00634     if (num > bt->num[last_time]) {
00635       num = bt->num[last_time];
00636     }
00638     /* prepare result storage */
00639     result_sentence_malloc(r, num);
00640     r->result.sentnum = num;
00642     /* sort by score */
00643     idx = (TRELLIS_ATOM **)mymalloc(sizeof(TRELLIS_ATOM *)*bt->num[last_time]);
00644     for (i=0;i<bt->num[last_time];i++) {
00645       idx[i] = bt->rw[last_time][i];
00646     }
00647     qsort(idx, bt->num[last_time], sizeof(TRELLIS_ATOM *),
00648           (int (*)(const void *,const void *))compare_backscore);
00650     /* store to result storage */
00651     for(i=0;i<r->result.sentnum;i++) {
00652       s = &(r->result.sent[i]);
00653       tmp = idx[i];
00654       s->word_num = 1;
00655       s->word[0] = tmp->wid;
00657       s->confidence[0] = pow(10, r->config->annotate.cm_alpha * (tmp->backscore - maxscore)) / sum;
00658 #endif
00659       s->score = tmp->backscore;
00660       s->score_lm = 0.0;
00661       s->score_am = tmp->backscore;
00662       if (multigram_get_all_num(r->lm) > 0) {
00663         s->gram_id = multigram_get_gram_from_wid(s->word[0], r->lm);
00664       } else {
00665         s->gram_id = 0;
00666       }
00667     }
00668     /* free work area for sort */
00669     free(idx);
00671   } else {                      /* only max is needed */
00673     /* prepare result storage */
00674     result_sentence_malloc(r, 1);
00675     r->result.sentnum = 1;
00676     s = &(r->result.sent[0]);
00677     s->word_num = 1;
00678     s->word[0] = best->wid;
00680     s->confidence[0] = 1.0 / sum;
00681 #endif
00682     s->score = best->backscore;
00683     s->score_lm = 0.0;
00684     s->score_am = best->backscore;
00685     if (multigram_get_all_num(r->lm) > 0) {
00686       s->gram_id = multigram_get_gram_from_wid(s->word[0], r->lm);
00687     } else {
00688       s->gram_id = 0;
00689     }
00690   }
00692   /* copy as 1st pass result */
00693   memcpy(&(r->result.pass1), &(r->result.sent[0]), sizeof(Sentence));
00694   r->result.pass1.align = NULL;
00696   //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
00697   //free(r->result.sent);
00698 }
00701 #ifdef DETERMINE
00730 static TRELLIS_ATOM *
00731 determine_word(RecogProcess *r, int t, TRELLIS_ATOM *tremax, LOGPROB thres, int countthres)
00732 {
00733   TRELLIS_ATOM *ret;
00734   WORD_ID w;
00736   //LOGPROB sum;
00737   //LOGPROB cm;
00739   int j;
00740   FSBeam *d;
00741   TOKEN2 *tk;
00743   if (tremax == NULL) {
00744     /* initialize */
00745     r->determine_count = 0;
00746     r->determine_maxnodescore = LOG_ZERO;
00747     r->determined = FALSE;
00748     r->determine_last_wid = WORD_INVALID;
00749     r->have_determine = FALSE;
00750     return NULL;
00751   }
00753   ret = NULL;
00755   /* get confidence score of the maximum word hypothesis */
00756 /* 
00757  *   sum = 0.0;
00758  *   tre = recog->backtrellis->list;
00759  *   while (tre != NULL && tre->endtime == t) {
00760  *     sum += pow(10, recog->jconf->annotate.cm_alpha * (tre->backscore - tremax->backscore));
00761  *     tre = tre->next;
00762  *   }
00763  *   cm = 1.0 / sum;
00764  */
00766   /* determinization decision */
00767   w = tremax->wid;
00769   r->have_determine = FALSE;
00771   /* determine by score threshold from maximum node score to maximum word end node score */
00772   if (r->determine_last_wid == w && r->determine_maxnodescore - tremax->backscore <= thres) {
00773     r->determine_count++;
00774     if (r->determine_count > countthres) {
00775       if (r->determined == FALSE) {
00776         ret = tremax;
00777         r->determined = TRUE;
00778         r->have_determine = TRUE;
00779       }
00780     }
00781   } else {
00782     r->determine_count = 0;
00783   }
00785   //printf("determine: %d: %s: cm=%f, relscore=%f, count=%d, phase=%d\n", t, recog->model->winfo->woutput[w], cm, determine_maxnodescore - tremax->backscore, count, phase);
00786   r->determine_last_wid = w;
00788   /* update maximum node score here for next call, since
00789      the word path determination is always one frame later */
00790   d = &(r->pass1);
00791   r->determine_maxnodescore = LOG_ZERO;
00792   for (j = d->n_start; j <= d->n_end; j++) {
00793     tk = &(d->tlist[d->tn][d->tindex[d->tn][j]]);
00794     if (r->determine_maxnodescore < tk->score) r->determine_maxnodescore = tk->score;
00795   }
00797   return(ret);
00798 }
00819 static void
00820 check_determine_word(RecogProcess *r, int t)
00821 {
00822   TRELLIS_ATOM *tre;
00823   TRELLIS_ATOM *tremax;
00824   LOGPROB maxscore;
00826   /* bt->list is ordered by time frame */
00827   maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00828   tremax = NULL;
00829   tre = r->backtrellis->list;
00830   while (tre != NULL && tre->endtime == t) {
00831     if (maxscore < tre->backscore) {
00832       maxscore = tre->backscore;
00833       tremax = tre;
00834     }
00835     tre = tre->next;
00836   }
00838   r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00839   r->result.num_frame = t;
00841   if (maxscore != LOG_ZERO) {
00842     //    if ((tre = determine_word(recog, t, tremax, 0.9, 17)) != NULL) {
00843     if ((tre = determine_word(r, t, tremax, r->config->pass1.determine_score_thres, r->config->pass1.determine_duration_thres)) != NULL) {
00844       r->result.pass1.word[0] = tremax->wid;
00845       r->result.pass1.word_num = 1;
00846       r->result.pass1.score = tremax->backscore;
00847       r->result.pass1.score_lm = 0.0;
00848       r->result.pass1.score_am = tremax->backscore;
00849       r->result.num_frame = t;
00850       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1_DETERMINED, r);
00851     }
00852   }
00855 }
00857 #endif /* DETERMINE */
00874 static void
00875 bt_current_max(RecogProcess *r, int t)
00876 {
00877   int wordlen;
00878   TRELLIS_ATOM *tre;
00879   TRELLIS_ATOM *tremax;
00880   LOGPROB maxscore;
00881   LOGPROB lscore;
00883   /* bt->list is ordered by time frame */
00884   maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00885   tremax = NULL;
00886   tre = r->backtrellis->list;
00887   while (tre != NULL && tre->endtime == t) {
00888     if (maxscore < tre->backscore) {
00889       maxscore = tre->backscore;
00890       tremax = tre;
00891     }
00892     tre = tre->next;
00893   }
00895   r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00896   r->result.num_frame = t;
00898   if (maxscore == LOG_ZERO) {
00899     r->result.pass1.word_num = 0;
00900   } else {
00901     if (r->lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) {
00902       r->result.pass1.word[0] = tremax->wid;
00903       r->result.pass1.word_num = 1;
00904       r->result.pass1.score = tremax->backscore;
00905       r->result.pass1.score_lm = 0.0;
00906       r->result.pass1.score_am = tremax->backscore;
00907     } else {
00908       lscore = trace_backptr(r->result.pass1.word, &wordlen, tremax, r->lm->winfo);
00909       r->result.pass1.word_num = wordlen;
00910       r->result.pass1.score = tremax->backscore;
00911       r->result.pass1.score_lm = lscore;
00912       r->result.pass1.score_am = tremax->backscore;
00913     }
00914   }
00915   //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_PASS1_INTERIM, r);
00916 }
00933 static void
00934 bt_current_max_word(RecogProcess *r, int t)
00935 {
00937   TRELLIS_ATOM *tre;
00938   TRELLIS_ATOM *tremax;
00939   LOGPROB maxscore;
00940   WORD_ID w;
00942   /* bt->list は時間順に格納されている */
00943   /* bt->list is order by time */
00944   maxscore = LOG_ZERO;
00945   tremax = NULL;
00946   tre = r->backtrellis->list;
00947   while (tre != NULL && tre->endtime == t) {
00948     if (maxscore < tre->backscore) {
00949       maxscore = tre->backscore;
00950       tremax = tre;
00951     }
00952     tre = tre->next;
00953   }
00955   if (maxscore != LOG_ZERO) {
00956     jlog("DEBUG: %3d: ",t);
00957     w = tremax->wid;
00958     jlog("\"%s [%s]\"(id=%d)",
00959          r->lm->winfo->wname[w], r->lm->winfo->woutput[w], w);
00960     jlog(" [%d-%d] %f", tremax->begintime, t, tremax->backscore);
00961     w = tremax->last_tre->wid;
00962     if (w != WORD_INVALID) {
00963       jlog(" <- \"%s [%s]\"(id=%d)\n",
00964                r->lm->winfo->wname[w], r->lm->winfo->woutput[w], w);
00965     } else {
00966       jlog(" <- bgn\n");
00967     }
00968   }
00969 }
00972 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00973 /*                 ビーム探索中のトークンを扱うサブ関数                 */
00974 /*                functions to handle hypothesis tokens                 */
00975 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00995 static void
00996 malloc_nodes(FSBeam *d, int n, int ntoken_init)
00997 {
00998   d->totalnodenum = n;
00999   d->token     = (TOKENID *)mymalloc(sizeof(TOKENID) * d->totalnodenum);
01000   //d->maxtnum = ntoken_init;
01001   if (d->maxtnum < ntoken_init) d->maxtnum = ntoken_init;
01002   d->tlist[0]  = (TOKEN2 *)mymalloc(sizeof(TOKEN2) * d->maxtnum);
01003   d->tlist[1]  = (TOKEN2 *)mymalloc(sizeof(TOKEN2) * d->maxtnum);
01004   d->tindex[0] = (TOKENID *)mymalloc(sizeof(TOKENID) * d->maxtnum);
01005   d->tindex[1] = (TOKENID *)mymalloc(sizeof(TOKENID) * d->maxtnum);
01006   //d->expand_step = ntoken_step;
01007   d->nodes_malloced = TRUE;
01008   d->expanded = FALSE;
01009 }
01023 static void
01024 expand_tlist(FSBeam *d)
01025 {
01026   d->maxtnum += d->expand_step;
01027   d->tlist[0]  = (TOKEN2 *)myrealloc(d->tlist[0],sizeof(TOKEN2) * d->maxtnum);
01028   d->tlist[1]  = (TOKEN2 *)myrealloc(d->tlist[1],sizeof(TOKEN2) * d->maxtnum);
01029   d->tindex[0] = (TOKENID *)myrealloc(d->tindex[0],sizeof(TOKENID) * d->maxtnum);
01030   d->tindex[1] = (TOKENID *)myrealloc(d->tindex[1],sizeof(TOKENID) * d->maxtnum);
01031   if (debug2_flag) jlog("STAT: token space expanded to %d\n", d->maxtnum);
01032   d->expanded = TRUE;
01033 }
01052 static void
01053 prepare_nodes(FSBeam *d, int ntoken_step)
01054 {
01055   d->tnum[0] = d->tnum[1] = 0;
01056   if (d->expand_step < ntoken_step) d->expand_step = ntoken_step;
01057 }
01073 static void
01074 free_nodes(FSBeam *d)
01075 {
01076   if (d->nodes_malloced) {
01077     free(d->token);
01078     free(d->tlist[0]);
01079     free(d->tlist[1]);
01080     free(d->tindex[0]);
01081     free(d->tindex[1]);
01082     d->nodes_malloced = FALSE;
01083   }
01084 }
01100 static void
01101 clear_tlist(FSBeam *d, int tt)
01102 {
01103   d->tnum[tt] = 0;
01104 }
01120 static void
01121 clear_tokens(FSBeam *d, int tt)
01122 {
01123   int j;
01124   /* initialize active token list: only clear ones used in the last call */
01125   for (j=0; j<d->tnum[tt]; j++) {
01126     d->token[d->tlist[tt][j].node] = TOKENID_UNDEFINED;
01127   }
01128 }
01146 static TOKENID
01147 create_token(FSBeam *d)
01148 {
01149   TOKENID newid;
01150   int tn;
01151   tn = d->tn;
01152   newid = d->tnum[tn];
01153   d->tnum[tn]++;
01154   while (d->tnum[tn]>=d->maxtnum) expand_tlist(d);
01155   d->tindex[tn][newid] = newid;
01156 #ifdef WPAIR
01157   /* initialize link */
01158   d->tlist[tn][newid].next = TOKENID_UNDEFINED;
01159 #endif
01160   return(newid);
01161 }
01192 static void
01193 node_assign_token(FSBeam *d, int node, TOKENID tkid)
01194 {
01195 #ifdef WPAIR
01196   /* add to link list */
01197   d->tlist[d->tn][tkid].next = d->token[node];
01198 #endif
01199   d->token[node] = tkid;
01200   d->tlist[d->tn][tkid].node = node;
01201 }
01239 static TOKENID
01240 node_exist_token(FSBeam *d, int tt, int node, WORD_ID wid)
01241 {
01242 #ifdef WPAIR
01243   /* In word-pair mode, multiple tokens are assigned to a node as a list.
01244      so we have to search for tokens with same last word ID */
01245 #ifdef WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT
01246   /* 1ノードごとに保持するtoken数の上限を設定 */
01247   /* tokenが無いが上限に達しているときは一番スコアの低いtokenを上書きする */
01248   /* N-best: limit number of assigned tokens to a node */
01249   int i = 0;
01250   TOKENID lowest_token = TOKENID_UNDEFINED;
01251 #endif
01252   TOKENID tmp;
01253   for(tmp=d->token[node]; tmp != TOKENID_UNDEFINED; tmp=d->tlist[tt][tmp].next) {
01254     if (d->tlist[tt][tmp].last_tre->wid == wid) {
01255       return(tmp);
01256     }
01257 #ifdef WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT
01258     if (lowest_token == TOKENID_UNDEFINED ||
01259         d->tlist[tt][lowest_token].score > d->tlist[tt][tmp].score)
01260       lowest_token = tmp;
01261     if (++i >= d->wpair_keep_nlimit) break;
01262 #endif
01263   }
01264 #ifdef WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT
01265   if (i >= d->wpair_keep_nlimit) { /* overflow, overwrite lowest score */
01266     return(lowest_token);
01267   } else {
01268     return(TOKENID_UNDEFINED);
01269   }
01270 #else 
01271   return(TOKENID_UNDEFINED);
01272 #endif
01274 #else  /* not WPAIR */
01275   /* 1つだけ保持,これを常に上書き */
01276   /* Only one token is kept in 1-best mode (default), so
01277      simply return the ID */
01278   return(d->token[node]);
01279 #endif
01280 }
01282 #ifdef DEBUG
01283 /* tlist と token の対応をチェックする(debug) */
01284 /* for debug: check tlist <-> token correspondence
01285    where  tlist[tt][tokenID].node = nodeID and
01286           token[nodeID] = tokenID
01287  */
01288 static void
01289 node_check_token(FSBeam *d, int tt)
01290 {
01291   int i;
01292   for(i=0;i<d->tnum[tt];i++) {
01293     if (node_exist_token(d, tt, d->tlist[tt][i].node, d->tlist[tt][i].last_tre->wid) != i) {
01294       jlog("ERROR: token %d not found on node %d\n", i, d->tlist[tt][i].node);
01295     }
01296   }
01297 }
01298 #endif
01302 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
01303 /*       トークンをソートし 上位 N トークンを判別する (heap sort)       */
01304 /*        Sort generated tokens and get N-best (use heap sort)          */
01305 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
01306 /* ビームの閾値として上位 N 番目のスコアが欲しいだけであり,実際にソート
01307    される必要はない */
01308 /* we only want to know the N-th score for determining beam threshold, so
01309    order is not considered here */
01311 #define SD(A) tindex_local[A-1] ///< Index locater for sort_token_*()
01312 #define SCOPY(D,S) D = S        ///< Content copier for sort_token_*()
01313 #define SVAL(A) (tlist_local[tindex_local[A-1]].score) ///< Score locater for sort_token_*()
01314 #define STVAL (tlist_local[s].score) ///< Indexed score locater for sort_token_*()
01340 static void
01341 sort_token_upward(FSBeam *d, int neednum, int totalnum)
01342 {
01343   int n,root,child,parent;
01344   TOKENID s;
01345   TOKEN2 *tlist_local;
01346   TOKENID *tindex_local;
01348   tlist_local = d->tlist[d->tn];
01349   tindex_local = d->tindex[d->tn];
01351   for (root = totalnum/2; root >= 1; root--) {
01352     SCOPY(s, SD(root));
01353     parent = root;
01354     while ((child = parent * 2) <= totalnum) {
01355       if (child < totalnum && SVAL(child) < SVAL(child+1)) {
01356         child++;
01357       }
01358       if (STVAL >= SVAL(child)) {
01359         break;
01360       }
01361       SCOPY(SD(parent), SD(child));
01362       parent = child;
01363     }
01364     SCOPY(SD(parent), s);
01365   }
01366   n = totalnum;
01367   while ( n > totalnum - neednum) {
01368     SCOPY(s, SD(n));
01369     SCOPY(SD(n), SD(1));
01370     n--;
01371     parent = 1;
01372     while ((child = parent * 2) <= n) {
01373       if (child < n && SVAL(child) < SVAL(child+1)) {
01374         child++;
01375       }
01376       if (STVAL >= SVAL(child)) {
01377         break;
01378       }
01379       SCOPY(SD(parent), SD(child));
01380       parent = child;
01381     }
01382     SCOPY(SD(parent), s);
01383   }
01384 }
01412 static void
01413 sort_token_downward(FSBeam *d, int neednum, int totalnum)
01414 {
01415   int n,root,child,parent;
01416   TOKENID s;
01417   TOKEN2 *tlist_local;
01418   TOKENID *tindex_local;
01420   tlist_local = d->tlist[d->tn];
01421   tindex_local = d->tindex[d->tn];
01423   for (root = totalnum/2; root >= 1; root--) {
01424     SCOPY(s, SD(root));
01425     parent = root;
01426     while ((child = parent * 2) <= totalnum) {
01427       if (child < totalnum && SVAL(child) > SVAL(child+1)) {
01428         child++;
01429       }
01430       if (STVAL <= SVAL(child)) {
01431         break;
01432       }
01433       SCOPY(SD(parent), SD(child));
01434       parent = child;
01435     }
01436     SCOPY(SD(parent), s);
01437   }
01438   n = totalnum;
01439   while ( n > totalnum - neednum) {
01440     SCOPY(s, SD(n));
01441     SCOPY(SD(n), SD(1));
01442     n--;
01443     parent = 1;
01444     while ((child = parent * 2) <= n) {
01445       if (child < n && SVAL(child) > SVAL(child+1)) {
01446         child++;
01447       }
01448       if (STVAL <= SVAL(child)) {
01449         break;
01450       }
01451       SCOPY(SD(parent), SD(child));
01452       parent = child;
01453     }
01454     SCOPY(SD(parent), s);
01455   }
01456 }
01490 static void
01491 sort_token_no_order(FSBeam *d, int neednum, int *start, int *end)
01492 {
01493   int totalnum;
01494   int restnum;
01496   totalnum = d->tnum[d->tn];
01498   restnum = totalnum - neednum;
01500   if (neednum >= totalnum) {
01501     /* no need to sort */
01502     *start = 0;
01503     *end = totalnum - 1;
01504   } else if (neednum < restnum)  {
01505     /* needed num is smaller than rest, so sort for the needed tokens */
01506     sort_token_upward(d, neednum,totalnum);
01507     *start = totalnum - neednum;
01508     *end = totalnum - 1;
01509   } else {
01510     /* needed num is bigger than rest, so sort for the rest token */
01511     sort_token_downward(d, restnum,totalnum);
01512     *start = 0;
01513     *end = neednum - 1;
01514   }
01515 }
01517 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
01518 /*             第1パス(フレーム同期ビームサーチ) メイン                */
01519 /*           main routines of 1st pass (frame-synchronous beam search)  */
01520 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
01550 static boolean
01551 init_nodescore(HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
01552 {
01553   WCHMM_INFO *wchmm;
01554   FSBeam *d;
01555   TOKENID newid;
01556   TOKEN2 *new;
01557   WORD_ID beginword;
01558   int node;
01559   int i;
01561   wchmm = r->wchmm;
01562   d = &(r->pass1);
01564   /* 初期仮説用単語履歴 */
01565   /* setup initial word context */
01566   if (r->config->successive.enabled) { /* sp segment mode */
01567     /* initial word context = last non-sp word of previous 2nd pass at last segment*/
01568     if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01569       if (r->sp_break_last_nword == wchmm->winfo->tail_silwid) {
01570         /* if end with silE, initialize as normal start of sentence */
01571         d->bos.wid = WORD_INVALID;
01572       } else {
01573         d->bos.wid = r->sp_break_last_nword;
01574       }
01575     } else {
01576       d->bos.wid = WORD_INVALID;
01577     }
01578   } else {                      /* not sp segment mode */
01579     d->bos.wid = WORD_INVALID;  /* no context */
01580   }
01582   d->bos.begintime = d->bos.endtime = -1;
01584   /* ノード・トークンを初期化 */
01585   /* clear tree lexicon nodes and tokens */
01586   for(node = 0; node < d->totalnodenum; node++) {
01587     d->token[node] = TOKENID_UNDEFINED;
01588   }
01589   d->tnum[0] = d->tnum[1]  = 0;
01591 #ifdef PASS1_IWCD
01592   /* 出力確率計算キャッシュを初期化 */
01593   /* initialize outprob cache */
01594   outprob_style_cache_init(wchmm);
01595 #endif
01597   /* 初期仮説の作成: 初期単語の決定と初期トークンの生成 */
01598   /* initial word hypothesis */
01600   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01602     if (r->config->successive.enabled) { /* sp segment mode */
01603       if (r->sp_break_last_word != WORD_INVALID) { /* last segment exist */
01604         /* 開始単語=前のセグメント計算時の最後の最尤単語 */
01605         /* 文終了単語(silE,句点(IPAモデル))なら,silB で開始 */
01606         /* initial word = best last word hypothesis on the last segment */
01607         /* if silE or sp, begin with silB */
01608         /*if (is_sil(recog.sp_break_last_word, wchmm->winfo, wchmm->hmminfo)) {*/
01609         if (r->sp_break_last_word == wchmm->winfo->tail_silwid) {
01610           beginword = wchmm->winfo->head_silwid;
01611           d->bos.wid = WORD_INVALID;    /* reset initial word context */
01612         } else {
01613           beginword = r->sp_break_last_word;
01614         }
01615       } else {
01616         /* initial segment: initial word set to silB */
01617         beginword = wchmm->winfo->head_silwid;
01618       }
01619     } else {                    /* not sp segment mode */
01620       /* initial word fixed to silB */
01621       beginword = wchmm->winfo->head_silwid;
01622     }
01624 #ifdef SP_BREAK_DEBUG
01625     jlog("DEBUG: startword=[%s], last_nword=[%s]\n",
01626            (beginword == WORD_INVALID) ? "WORD_INVALID" : wchmm->winfo->wname[beginword],
01627            (d->bos.wid == WORD_INVALID) ? "WORD_INVALID" : wchmm->winfo->wname[d->bos.wid]);
01628 #endif
01629     /* create the first token at the first node of initial word */
01630     newid = create_token(d);
01631     new = &(d->tlist[d->tn][newid]);
01633     /* initial node = head node of the beginword */
01634     if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01635       node = wchmm->wordbegin[beginword];
01636     } else {
01637       node = wchmm->offset[beginword][0];
01638     }
01640     /* set initial LM score */
01641     if (wchmm->state[node].scid != 0) {
01642       /* if initial node is on a factoring branch, use the factored score */
01643       new->last_lscore = max_successor_prob(wchmm, d->bos.wid, node);
01644     } else {
01645       /* else, set to 0.0 */
01646       new->last_lscore = 0.0;
01647     }
01648 #ifdef FIX_PENALTY
01649     new->last_lscore = new->last_lscore * d->lm_weight;
01650 #else
01651     new->last_lscore = new->last_lscore * d->lm_weight + d->lm_penalty;
01652 #endif
01653     /* set initial word history */
01654     new->last_tre = &(d->bos);
01655     new->last_cword = d->bos.wid;
01656     if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01657       /* set initial score using the initial LM score */
01658       new->score = new->last_lscore;
01659     } else {
01660       /* set initial score using the initial LM score and AM score of the first state */
01661       new->score = outprob_style(wchmm, node, d->bos.wid, 0, param) + new->last_lscore;
01662     }
01663     /* assign the initial node to token list */
01664     node_assign_token(d, node, newid);
01666   }
01668   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA && r->lmvar == LM_DFA_GRAMMAR) {
01670     /* 初期仮説: 文法上文頭に接続しうる単語集合 */
01671     /* initial words: all words that can be begin of sentence grammatically */
01672     /* アクティブな文法に属する単語のみ許す */
01673     /* only words in active grammars are allowed to be an initial words */
01674     MULTIGRAM *m;
01675     int t,tb,te;
01676     WORD_ID iw;
01677     boolean flag;
01678     DFA_INFO *gdfa;
01680     gdfa = r->lm->dfa;
01682     flag = FALSE;
01683     /* for all active grammar */
01684     for(m = r->lm->grammars; m; m = m->next) {
01685       if (m->active) {
01686         tb = m->cate_begin;
01687         te = tb + m->dfa->term_num;
01688         for(t=tb;t<te;t++) {
01689           /* for all word categories that belong to the grammar */
01690           if (dfa_cp_begin(gdfa, t) == TRUE) {
01691             /* if the category can appear at beginning of sentence, */
01692             flag = TRUE;
01693             for (iw=0;iw<gdfa->term.wnum[t];iw++) {
01694               /* create the initial token at the first node of all words that belongs to the category */
01695               i = gdfa->term.tw[t][iw];
01696               if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01697                 node = wchmm->wordbegin[i];
01698               } else {
01699                 node = wchmm->offset[i][0];
01700               }
01701               /* in tree lexicon, words in the same category may share the same root node, so skip it if the node has already existed */
01702               if (node_exist_token(d, d->tn, node, d->bos.wid) != TOKENID_UNDEFINED) continue;
01703               newid = create_token(d);
01704               new = &(d->tlist[d->tn][newid]);
01705               new->last_tre = &(d->bos);
01706 #ifdef FIX_PENALTY
01707               new->last_lscore = 0.0;
01708 #else
01709               new->last_lscore = d->penalty1;
01710 #endif
01711               if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01712                 new->score = new->last_lscore;
01713               } else {
01714                 new->score = outprob_style(wchmm, node, d->bos.wid, 0, param) + new->last_lscore;
01715               }
01716               node_assign_token(d, node, newid);
01717             }
01718           }
01719         }
01720       }
01721     }
01722     if (!flag) {
01723       jlog("ERROR: init_nodescore: no initial state found in active DFA grammar\n");
01724       return FALSE;
01725     }
01726   }
01728   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA && r->lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) {
01729     /* アクティブな文法に属する単語のみ許す */
01730     /* only words in active grammars are allowed to be an initial words */
01731     MULTIGRAM *m;
01733     for(m = r->lm->grammars; m; m = m->next) {
01734       if (m->active) {
01735         for(i = m->word_begin; i < m->word_begin + m->winfo->num; i++) {
01736           if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01737             node = wchmm->wordbegin[i];
01738           } else {
01739             node = wchmm->offset[i][0];
01740           }
01741           if (node_exist_token(d, d->tn, node, d->bos.wid) != TOKENID_UNDEFINED) continue;
01742           newid = create_token(d);
01743           new = &(d->tlist[d->tn][newid]);
01744           new->last_tre = &(d->bos);
01745           new->last_lscore = 0.0;
01746           if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
01747             new->score = 0.0;
01748           } else {
01749             new->score = outprob_style(wchmm, node, d->bos.wid, 0, param);
01750           }
01751           node_assign_token(d, node, newid);
01752         }
01753       }
01754     }
01755   }
01757   return TRUE;
01759 }
01761 /******************************************************/
01762 /* フレーム同期ビーム探索の実行 --- 最初のフレーム用  */
01763 /* frame synchronous beam search --- first frame only */
01764 /******************************************************/
01790 boolean
01791 get_back_trellis_init(HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
01792 {
01793   WCHMM_INFO *wchmm;
01794   BACKTRELLIS *backtrellis;
01795   FSBeam *d;
01797   wchmm = r->wchmm;
01798   backtrellis = r->backtrellis;
01799   d = &(r->pass1);
01801   /* Viterbi演算用ワークエリアのスイッチャー tl,tn の初期値設定 */
01802   /* tn: このフレーム用ID   tl: 1フレーム前のID */
01803   /* initialize switch tl, tn for Viterbi computation */
01804   /* tn: this frame  tl: last frame */
01805   d->tn = 0;
01806   d->tl = 1;
01808   /* 結果の単語トレリスを格納するバックトレリス構造体を初期化 */
01809   /* initialize backtrellis structure to store resulting word trellis */
01810   bt_prepare(backtrellis);
01812   /* 計算用ワークエリアを初期化 */
01813   /* initialize some data on work area */
01815   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01816     d->lm_weight  = r->config->lmp.lm_weight;
01817     d->lm_penalty = r->config->lmp.lm_penalty;
01818   }
01819   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01820     d->penalty1 = r->config->lmp.penalty1;
01821   }
01822 #if defined(WPAIR) && defined(WPAIR_KEEP_NLIMIT)
01823   d->wpair_keep_nlimit = r->config->pass1.wpair_keep_nlimit;
01824 #endif
01826   /* ワークエリアを確保 */
01827   /* malloc work area */
01828   /* 使用するトークン量 = viterbi時に遷移先となる状態候補の数
01829    * 予測: ビーム数 x 2 (自己遷移+次状態) + 木構造化辞書のルートノード数
01830    */
01831   /* assumed initial number of needed tokens: beam width x 2 (self + next trans.)
01832    * + root node on the tree lexicon (for inter-word trans.)
01833    */
01834   if (d->totalnodenum != wchmm->n) {
01835     free_nodes(d);
01836   }
01837   if (d->nodes_malloced == FALSE) {
01838     malloc_nodes(d, wchmm->n, r->trellis_beam_width * 2 + wchmm->startnum);
01839   }
01840   prepare_nodes(d, r->trellis_beam_width);
01842   /* 初期スコアを nodescore[tn] にセット */
01843   /* set initial score to nodescore[tn] */
01844   if (init_nodescore(param, r) == FALSE) {
01845     jlog("ERROR: get_back_trellis_init: failed to set initial node scores\n");
01846     return FALSE;
01847   }
01849   sort_token_no_order(d, r->trellis_beam_width, &(d->n_start), &(d->n_end));
01851   /* 漸次出力を行なう場合のインターバルを計算 */
01852   /* set interval frame for progout */
01853   r->config->output.progout_interval_frame = (int)((float)r->config->output.progout_interval / ((float)param->header.wshift / 10000.0));
01855   if (r->config->successive.enabled) {
01856     /* ショートポーズセグメンテーション用パラメータの初期化 */
01857     /* initialize parameter for short pause segmentation */
01858     d->in_sparea = TRUE;                /* assume beginning is silence */
01859     r->am->mfcc->sparea_start = d->tmp_sparea_start = 0; /* set start frame to 0 */
01861     d->tmp_sp_break_last_word = WORD_INVALID;
01862 #endif
01863     r->sp_break_last_word = WORD_INVALID;
01864     /* 最初のセグメント: 次の非ポーズフレームで第2パスへ移行しない */
01865     /* the first end of pause segment should be always silB, so
01866        skip the first segment */
01867     d->first_sparea = TRUE;
01868     r->sp_break_2_begin_word = WORD_INVALID;
01869   }
01871 #ifdef DETERMINE
01872   if (r->lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) {
01873     /* initialize */
01874     determine_word(r, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
01875   }
01876 #endif
01878 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
01879   d->score_pruning_threshold = LOG_ZERO;
01880   d->score_pruning_count = 0;
01881 #endif
01883   return TRUE;
01884 }
01886 /*****************************************************/
01887 /* frame synchronous beam search --- proceed 1 frame */
01888 /* フレーム同期ビーム探索の実行 --- 1フレーム進める  */
01889 /*****************************************************/
01909 static void
01910 propagate_token(FSBeam *d, int next_node, LOGPROB next_score, TRELLIS_ATOM *last_tre, WORD_ID last_cword, LOGPROB last_lscore)
01911 {
01912   TOKEN2 *tknext;
01913   TOKENID tknextid;
01915   if ((tknextid = node_exist_token(d, d->tn, next_node, last_tre->wid)) != TOKENID_UNDEFINED) {
01916     /* 遷移先ノードには既に他ノードから伝搬済み: スコアが高いほうを残す */
01917     /* the destination node already has a token: compare score */
01918     tknext = &(d->tlist[d->tn][tknextid]);
01919     if (tknext->score < next_score) {
01920       /* その遷移先ノードが持つトークンの内容を上書きする(新規トークンは作らない) */
01921       /* overwrite the content of existing destination token: not create a new token */
01922       tknext->last_tre = last_tre; /* propagate last word info */
01923       tknext->last_cword = last_cword; /* propagate last context word info */
01924       tknext->last_lscore = last_lscore; /* set new LM score */
01925       tknext->score = next_score; /* set new score */
01926     }
01927   } else {
01928     /* 遷移先ノードは未伝搬: 新規トークンを作って割り付ける */
01929     /* token unassigned: create new token and assign */
01930     if (next_score > LOG_ZERO) { /* valid token */
01931       tknextid = create_token(d); /* get new token */
01932     }
01933     tknext = &(d->tlist[d->tn][tknextid]);
01934     tknext->last_tre = last_tre; /* propagate last word info */
01935     tknext->last_cword = last_cword; /* propagate last context word info */
01936     tknext->last_lscore = last_lscore;
01937     tknext->score = next_score; /* set new score */
01938     node_assign_token(d, next_node, tknextid); /* assign this new token to the next node */
01939   }
01940 }
01965 static void
01966 beam_intra_word_core(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, FSBeam *d, TOKEN2 **tk_ret, int j, int next_node, LOGPROB next_a)
01967 {
01968   int node; 
01969   LOGPROB tmpsum;
01970   LOGPROB ngram_score_cache;
01971   TOKEN2 *tk;
01973   tk = *tk_ret;
01975   node = tk->node;
01977   /* now, 'node' is the source node, 'next_node' is the destication node,
01978      and ac-> holds transition probability */
01979   /* tk->score is the accumulated score at the 'node' on previous frame */
01981   /******************************************************************/
01982   /* 2.1.1 遷移先へのスコア計算(遷移確率+言語スコア)               */
01983   /*       compute score of destination node (transition prob + LM) */
01984   /******************************************************************/
01985   tmpsum = tk->score + next_a;
01986   ngram_score_cache = LOG_ZERO;
01987   /* the next score at 'next_node' will be computed on 'tmpsum', and
01988      the new LM probability (if updated) will be stored on 'ngram_score_cache' at below */
01990   if (!wchmm->category_tree) {
01991     /* 言語スコア factoring:
01992        arcが自己遷移でない単語内の遷移で,かつ遷移先にsuccessorリスト
01993        があれば,lexicon tree の分岐部分の遷移である */
01994     /* LM factoring:
01995        If this is not a self transition and destination node has successor
01996        list, this is branching transition
01997     */
01998     if (next_node != node) {
01999       if (wchmm->state[next_node].scid != 0
02001           /* 1-gram factoring 使用時は, 複数で共有される枝では
02002              wchmm->state[node].scid は負の値となり,その絶対値を
02003              添字として wchmm->fscore[] に単語集合の1-gramの最大値が格納
02004              されている. 末端の枝(複数単語で共有されない)では,
02005              wchmm->state[node].scid は正の値となり,
02006              1単語を sc として持つのでそこで正確な2-gramを計算する */
02007           /* When uni-gram factoring,
02008              wchmm->state[node].scid is below 0 for shared branches.
02009              In this case the maximum uni-gram probability for sub-tree
02010              is stored in wchmm->fscore[- wchmm->state[node].scid].
02011              Leaf branches (with only one successor word): the scid is
02012              larger than 0, and has
02013              the word ID in wchmm->sclist[wchmm->state[node].scid].
02014              So precise 2-gram is computed in this point */
02015 #endif
02016           ){
02018         if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02019           /* ここで言語モデル確率を更新する */
02020           /* LM value should be update at this transition */
02021           /* N-gram確率からfactoring 値を計算 */
02022           /* compute new factoring value from N-gram probabilities */
02023 #ifdef FIX_PENALTY
02024           /* if at the beginning of sentence, not add lm_penalty */
02025           if (tk->last_cword == WORD_INVALID) {
02026             ngram_score_cache = max_successor_prob(wchmm, tk->last_cword, next_node) * d->lm_weight;
02027           } else {
02028             ngram_score_cache = max_successor_prob(wchmm, tk->last_cword, next_node) * d->lm_weight + d->lm_penalty;
02029           }
02030 #else
02031           ngram_score_cache = max_successor_prob(wchmm, tk->last_cword, next_node) * d->lm_weight + d->lm_penalty;
02032 #endif
02033           /* スコアの更新: tk->last_lscore に単語内での最後のfactoring値が
02034              入っているので, それをスコアから引いてリセットし, 新たなスコアを
02035              セットする */
02036           /* update score: since 'tk->last_lscore' holds the last LM factoring
02037              value in this word, we first remove the score from the current
02038              score, and then add the new LM value computed above. */
02039           tmpsum -= tk->last_lscore;
02040           tmpsum += ngram_score_cache;
02041         }
02043         if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_DFA && wchmm->lmvar == LM_DFA_GRAMMAR) {
02044           /* 文法を用いる場合, カテゴリ単位の木構造化がなされていれば,
02045              接続制約は単語間遷移のみで扱われるので,factoring は必要ない. 
02046              カテゴリ単位木構造化が行われない場合, 文法間の接続制約はここ
02047              で factoring で行われることになる. */
02048           /* With DFA, we use category-pair constraint extracted from the DFA
02049              at this 1st pass.  So if we compose a tree lexicon per word's
02050              category, the each category tree has the same connection
02051              constraint and thus we can apply the constraint on the cross-word
02052              transition.  This per-category tree lexicon is enabled by default,
02053              and in the case the constraint will be applied at the word end.
02054              If you disable per-category tree lexicon by undefining
02055              'CATEGORY_TREE', the word-pair contrained will be applied in a
02056              factoring style at here.
02057           */
02059           /* 決定的factoring: 直前単語に対して,sub-tree内にカテゴリ対制約上
02060              接続しうる単語が1つもなければ, この遷移は不可 */
02061           /* deterministic factoring in grammar mode:
02062              transition disabled if there are totally no sub-tree word that can
02063              grammatically (in category-pair constraint) connect
02064              to the previous word.
02065           */
02066           if (!can_succeed(wchmm, tk->last_tre->wid, next_node)) {
02067             tmpsum = LOG_ZERO;
02068           }
02069         }
02071       }
02072     }
02073   }
02074   /* factoring not needed when DFA mode and uses category-tree */
02076   /****************************************/
02077   /* 2.1.2 遷移先ノードへトークン伝搬     */
02078   /*       pass token to destination node */
02079   /****************************************/
02081   if (ngram_score_cache == LOG_ZERO) ngram_score_cache = tk->last_lscore;
02082   propagate_token(d, next_node, tmpsum, tk->last_tre, tk->last_cword, ngram_score_cache);
02084   if (d->expanded) {
02085     /* if work area has been expanded at 'create_token()' above,
02086        the inside 'realloc()' will destroy the pointers.
02087        so, reset local pointers from token index */
02088     tk = &(d->tlist[d->tl][d->tindex[d->tl][j]]);
02089     d->expanded = FALSE;
02090   }
02092   *tk_ret = tk;
02094 }
02115 static void
02116 beam_intra_word(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, FSBeam *d, TOKEN2 **tk_ret, int j)
02117 {
02118   A_CELL2 *ac; 
02119   TOKEN2 *tk;
02120   int node;
02121   int k;
02123   tk = *tk_ret;
02125   node = tk->node;
02127   if (wchmm->self_a[node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02128     beam_intra_word_core(wchmm, d, tk_ret, j, node, wchmm->self_a[node]);
02129   }
02131   if (wchmm->next_a[node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02132     beam_intra_word_core(wchmm, d, tk_ret, j, node+1, wchmm->next_a[node]);
02133   }
02135   for(ac=wchmm->ac[node];ac;ac=ac->next) {
02136     for(k=0;k<ac->n;k++) {
02137       beam_intra_word_core(wchmm, d, tk_ret, j, ac->arc[k], ac->a[k]);
02138     }
02139   }
02140 }
02142 /**************************/
02143 /* 2.2. トレリス単語保存  */
02144 /*      save trellis word */
02145 /**************************/
02170 static TRELLIS_ATOM *
02171 save_trellis(BACKTRELLIS *bt, WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, TOKEN2 *tk, int t, boolean final_for_multipath)
02172 {
02173   TRELLIS_ATOM *tre;
02174   int sword;
02176   sword = wchmm->stend[tk->node];
02178   /* この遷移元の単語終端ノードは「直前フレームで」生き残ったノード. 
02179      (「このフレーム」でないことに注意!!)
02180      よってここで, 時間(t-1) を単語終端とするトレリス上の単語仮説
02181      (TRELLIS_ATOM)として,単語トレリス構造体に保存する. */
02182   /* This source node (= word end node) has been survived in the
02183      "last" frame (notice: not "this" frame!!).  So this word end
02184      is saved here to the word trellis structure (BACKTRELLIS) as a
02185      trellis word (TRELLIS_ATOM) with end frame (t-1). */
02186   tre = bt_new(bt);
02187   tre->wid = sword;             /* word ID */
02188   tre->backscore = tk->score; /* log score (AM + LM) */
02189   tre->begintime = tk->last_tre->endtime + 1; /* word beginning frame */
02190   tre->endtime   = t-1; /* word end frame */
02191   tre->last_tre  = tk->last_tre; /* link to previous trellis word */
02192   tre->lscore    = tk->last_lscore;     /* log LM score  */
02193   bt_store(bt, tre); /* save to backtrellis */
02194 #ifdef WORD_GRAPH
02195   if (tre->last_tre != NULL) {
02196     /* mark to indicate that the following words was survived in beam */
02197     tre->last_tre->within_context = TRUE;
02198   }
02199   if (final_for_multipath) {
02200     /* last node */
02201     if (tre->wid == wchmm->winfo->tail_silwid) {
02202       tre->within_context = TRUE;
02203     }
02204   }
02205 #endif /* WORD_GRAPH */
02207   return tre;
02208 }
02231 static void
02232 beam_inter_word(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, FSBeam *d, TOKEN2 **tk_ret, TRELLIS_ATOM *tre, int j)
02233 {
02234   A_CELL2 *ac;
02235   TOKEN2 *tk;
02236   int sword;
02237   int node, next_node;
02238   LOGPROB *iwparray; 
02239   int stid;
02241   int isoid; 
02242 #endif
02243   LOGPROB tmpprob, tmpsum, ngram_score_cache;
02244   int k;
02245   WORD_ID last_word;
02247   tk = *tk_ret;
02249   node = tk->node;
02250   sword = wchmm->stend[node];
02251   last_word = wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[sword] ? tk->last_cword : sword;
02253   if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02255     /* 遷移元単語が末尾単語の終端なら,どこへも遷移させない */
02256     /* do not allow transition if the source word is end-of-sentence word */
02257     if (sword == wchmm->winfo->tail_silwid) return;
02260 #ifndef WPAIR
02261     /* あとで共有単語先頭ノードに対して単語間遷移をまとめて計算するため,*/
02262     /* このループ内では最大尤度を持つ単語終端ノードを記録しておく */
02263     /* here we will record the best wordend node of maximum likelihood
02264        at this frame, to compute later the cross-word transitions toward
02265        shared factoring word-head node */
02266     tmpprob = tk->score;
02267     if (!wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) tmpprob += wchmm->wordend_a[sword];
02268     if (d->wordend_best_score < tmpprob) {
02269       d->wordend_best_score = tmpprob;
02270       d->wordend_best_node = node;
02271       d->wordend_best_tre = tre;
02272       d->wordend_best_last_cword = tk->last_cword;
02273     }
02274 #endif
02275 #endif
02277     /* N-gramにおいては常に全単語の接続を考慮する必要があるため,
02278        ここで単語間の言語確率値をすべて計算しておく. 
02279        キャッシュは max_successor_prob_iw() 内で考慮. */
02280     /* As all words are possible to connect in N-gram, we first compute
02281        all the inter-word LM probability here.
02282        Cache is onsidered in max_successor_prob_iw(). */
02283     if (wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[sword]) {
02284       iwparray = max_successor_prob_iw(wchmm, tk->last_cword);
02285     } else {
02286       iwparray = max_successor_prob_iw(wchmm, sword);
02287     }
02288   }
02290   /* すべての単語始端ノードに対して以下を実行 */
02291   /* for all beginning-of-word nodes, */
02292   /* wchmm->startnode[0..stid-1] ... 単語始端ノードリスト */
02293   /* wchmm->startnode[0..stid-1] ... list of word start node (shared) */
02294   for (stid = wchmm->startnum - 1; stid >= 0; stid--) {
02295     next_node = wchmm->startnode[stid];
02296     if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
02297       if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02298         /* connection to the head silence word is not allowed */
02299         if (wchmm->wordbegin[wchmm->winfo->head_silwid] == next_node) continue;
02300       }
02301     }
02303     /*****************************************/
02304     /* 2.3.1. 単語間言語制約を適用           */
02305     /*        apply cross-word LM constraint */
02306     /*****************************************/
02308     if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02309       /* N-gram確率を計算 */
02310       /* compute N-gram probability */
02312       /* wchmm,start2isolate[0..stid-1] ... ノードを共有しない単語は
02313          その通しID, 共有する(キャッシュの必要のない)単語は -1 */
02314       /* wchmm->start2isolate[0..stid-1] ... isolate ID for
02315          beginning-of-word state.  value: -1 for states that has
02316          1-gram factoring value (share nodes with some other words),
02317          and ID for unshared words
02318       */
02319       isoid = wchmm->start2isolate[stid];
02320 #ifdef WPAIR
02321       /* Efficient cross-word LM handling should be disabled for
02322          word-pair approximation */
02323       if (isoid == -1) {
02324         tmpprob = wchmm->fscore[- wchmm->state[next_node].scid];
02325       } else {
02326         tmpprob = iwparray[isoid];
02327       }
02328 #else  /* ~WPAIR */
02329       /* 1-gram factoring における単語間言語確率キャッシュの効率化:
02330          1-gram factoring は単語履歴に依存しないので,
02331          ここで参照する factoring 値の多くは
02332          wchmm->fscore[] に既に格納され, 探索中も不変である. 
02333          よって計算が必要な単語(どの単語ともノードを共有しない単語)
02334          についてのみ iwparray[] で計算・キャッシュする.  */
02335       /* Efficient cross-word LM cache:
02336          As 1-gram factoring values are independent of word context,
02337          they remain unchanged while search.  So, in cross-word LM
02338          computation, beginning-of-word states which share nodes with
02339          others and has factoring value in wchmm does not need cache.
02340          So only the unshared beginning-of-word states are computed and
02341          cached here in iwparray[].
02342       */
02343       /* 計算が必要でない単語先頭ノードはパスをまとめて後に計算するので
02344          ここではスキップ */
02345       /* the shared nodes will be computed afterward, so just skip them
02346          here */
02347       if (isoid == -1) continue;
02348       tmpprob = iwparray[isoid];
02349 #endif /* ~WPAIR */
02350 #else  /* ~UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
02351       tmpprob = iwparray[stid];
02352 #endif
02353     }
02355     /* 遷移先の単語が先頭単語なら遷移させない. 
02356        これは wchmm.c で該当単語に stid を割り振らないことで対応
02357        しているので,ここでは何もしなくてよい */
02358     /* do not allow transition if the destination word is
02359        beginning-of-sentence word.  This limitation is realized by
02360        not assigning 'stid' for the word in wchmm.c, so we have nothing
02361        to do here.
02362     */
02364     if (wchmm->category_tree) {
02365       /* 文法の場合, 制約は決定的: カテゴリ対制約上許されない場合は遷移させない */
02366       /* With DFA and per-category tree lexicon,
02367          LM constraint is deterministic:
02368          do not allow transition if the category connection is not allowed
02369          (with category tree, constraint can be determined on top node) */
02370       if (dfa_cp(wchmm->dfa, wchmm->winfo->wton[sword], wchmm->winfo->wton[wchmm->start2wid[stid]]) == FALSE) continue;
02371     }
02373     /*******************************************************************/
02374     /* 2.3.2. 遷移先の単語先頭へのスコア計算(遷移確率+言語スコア)     */
02375     /*        compute score of destination node (transition prob + LM) */
02376     /*******************************************************************/
02377     tmpsum = tk->score;
02378     if (!wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) tmpsum += wchmm->wordend_a[sword];
02380     /* 'tmpsum' now holds outgoing score from the wordend node */
02381     if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02382       /* 言語スコアを追加 */
02383       /* add LM score */
02384       ngram_score_cache = tmpprob * d->lm_weight + d->lm_penalty;
02385       tmpsum += ngram_score_cache;
02386       if (wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[sword] && wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[tk->last_cword]) {
02388         tmpsum += d->lm_penalty_trans;
02389       }
02390     }
02391     if (wchmm->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
02392       /* grammar: 単語挿入ペナルティを追加 */
02393       /* grammar: add insertion penalty */
02394       ngram_score_cache = d->penalty1;
02395       tmpsum += ngram_score_cache;
02397       /* grammar: deterministic factoring (in case category-tree not enabled) */
02398       if (!wchmm->category_tree) {
02399         if (!can_succeed(wchmm, sword, next_node)) {
02400           tmpsum = LOG_ZERO;
02401         }
02402       }
02403     }
02405     /*********************************************************************/
02406     /* 2.3.3. 遷移先ノードへトークン伝搬(単語履歴情報は更新)             */
02407     /*        pass token to destination node (updating word-context info */
02408     /*********************************************************************/
02410     if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
02411       /* since top node has no ouput, we should go one more step further */
02412       if (wchmm->self_a[next_node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02413         propagate_token(d, next_node, tmpsum + wchmm->self_a[next_node], tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02414         if (d->expanded) {
02415           /* if work area has been expanded at 'create_token()' above,
02416              the inside 'realloc()' will destroy the pointers.
02417              so, reset local pointers from token index */
02418           tk = &(d->tlist[d->tn][d->tindex[d->tn][j]]);
02419           d->expanded = FALSE;
02420         }
02421       }
02422       if (wchmm->next_a[next_node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02423         propagate_token(d, next_node+1, tmpsum + wchmm->next_a[next_node], tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02424         if (d->expanded) {
02425           /* if work area has been expanded at 'create_token()' above,
02426              the inside 'realloc()' will destroy the pointers.
02427              so, reset local pointers from token index */
02428           tk = &(d->tlist[d->tn][d->tindex[d->tn][j]]);
02429           d->expanded = FALSE;
02430         }
02431       }
02432       for(ac=wchmm->ac[next_node];ac;ac=ac->next) {
02433         for(k=0;k<ac->n;k++) {
02434           propagate_token(d, ac->arc[k], tmpsum + ac->a[k], tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02435           if (d->expanded) {
02436             /* if work area has been expanded at 'create_token()' above,
02437                the inside 'realloc()' will destroy the pointers.
02438                so, reset local pointers from token index */
02439             tk = &(d->tlist[d->tn][d->tindex[d->tn][j]]);
02440             d->expanded = FALSE;
02441           }
02442         }
02443       }
02444     } else {
02445       propagate_token(d, next_node, tmpsum, tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02446       if (d->expanded) {
02447         /* if work area has been expanded at 'create_token()' above,
02448            the inside 'realloc()' will destroy the pointers.
02449            so, reset local pointers from token index */
02450         tk = &(d->tlist[d->tl][d->tindex[d->tl][j]]);
02451         d->expanded = FALSE;
02452       }
02453     }
02455   }     /* end of next word heads */
02457   *tk_ret = tk;
02460 } /* end of cross-word processing */
02491 static void
02492 beam_inter_word_factoring(WCHMM_INFO *wchmm, FSBeam *d)
02493 {
02494   int sword;
02495   int node, next_node;
02496   int stid;
02497   LOGPROB tmpprob, tmpsum, ngram_score_cache;
02498   A_CELL2 *ac;
02499   int j;
02500   WORD_ID last_word;
02502   node = d->wordend_best_node;
02503   sword = wchmm->stend[node];
02504   last_word = wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[sword] ? d->wordend_best_last_cword : sword;
02506   for (stid = wchmm->startnum - 1; stid >= 0; stid--) {
02507     next_node = wchmm->startnode[stid];
02508     /* compute transition from 'node' at end of word 'sword' to 'next_node' */
02509     /* skip isolated words already calculated in the above main loop */
02510     if (wchmm->start2isolate[stid] != -1) continue;
02511     /* rest should have 1-gram factoring score at wchmm->fscore */
02512     if (wchmm->state[next_node].scid >= 0) {
02513       j_internal_error("get_back_trellis_proceed: scid mismatch at 1-gram factoring of shared states\n");
02514     }
02515     tmpprob = wchmm->fscore[- wchmm->state[next_node].scid];
02516     ngram_score_cache = tmpprob * d->lm_weight + d->lm_penalty;
02517     tmpsum = d->wordend_best_score;
02518     tmpsum += ngram_score_cache;
02519     if (wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[sword] && wchmm->winfo->is_transparent[d->wordend_best_last_cword]) {
02520       tmpsum += d->lm_penalty_trans;
02521     }
02522 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02523     if (tmpsum < d->score_pruning_threshold) {
02524       d->score_pruning_count++;
02525       continue;
02526     }
02527 #endif
02528     if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
02529       /* since top node has no ouput, we should go one more step further */
02530       if (wchmm->self_a[next_node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02531         propagate_token(d, next_node, tmpsum + wchmm->self_a[next_node], d->wordend_best_tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02532         if (d->expanded) {
02533           d->expanded = FALSE;
02534         }
02535       }
02536       if (wchmm->next_a[next_node] != LOG_ZERO) {
02537         propagate_token(d, next_node+1, tmpsum + wchmm->next_a[next_node], d->wordend_best_tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02538         if (d->expanded) {
02539           d->expanded = FALSE;
02540         }
02541       }
02542       for(ac=wchmm->ac[next_node];ac;ac=ac->next) {
02543         for(j=0;j<ac->n;j++) {
02544           propagate_token(d, ac->arc[j], tmpsum + ac->a[j], d->wordend_best_tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02545           if (d->expanded) {
02546             d->expanded = FALSE;
02547           }
02548         }
02549       }
02551     } else {
02552       propagate_token(d, next_node, tmpsum, d->wordend_best_tre, last_word, ngram_score_cache);
02553       if (d->expanded) {
02554         d->expanded = FALSE;
02555       }
02556     }
02558   }
02559 }
02561 #endif /* UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
02605 boolean
02606 get_back_trellis_proceed(int t, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r, boolean final_for_multipath)
02607 {
02608   /* local static work area for get_back_trellis_proceed() */
02609   /* these are local work area and need not to be kept for another call */
02610   TRELLIS_ATOM *tre; 
02611   int node; 
02612   int lmtype, lmvar;
02614   WCHMM_INFO *wchmm;
02615   FSBeam *d;
02616   int j;
02617   TOKEN2  *tk;
02618   LOGPROB minscore;
02620   /* local copied variables */
02621   int tn, tl;
02623   /* store pointer to local for rapid access */
02624   wchmm = r->wchmm;
02625   d = &(r->pass1);
02628   lmtype = r->lmtype;
02629   lmvar  = r->lmvar;
02631   /*********************/
02632   /* 1. 初期化         */
02633   /*    initialization */
02634   /*********************/
02636   /* tl と tn を入れ替えて作業領域を切り替え */
02637   /* tl (= 直前の tn) は直前フレームの結果を持つ */
02638   /* swap tl and tn to switch work buffer */
02639   /* tl (= last tn) holds result of the previous frame */
02640   d->tl = d->tn;
02641   if (d->tn == 0) d->tn = 1; else d->tn = 0;
02643   /* store locally for rapid access */
02644   tl = d->tl;
02645   tn = d->tn;
02648 #ifndef WPAIR
02649   /* 1-gram factoring では単語先頭での言語確率が一定で直前単語に依存しない
02650      ため,単語間 Viterbi において選ばれる直前単語は,次単語によらず共通である. 
02651      よって単語終端からfactoring値のある単語先頭への遷移は1つにまとめられる. 
02652      ただし,木から独立した単語については, 単語先頭で履歴に依存した2-gramが
02653      与えられるため, 最尤の単語間 Viterbi パスは次単語ごとに異なる. 
02654      よってそれらについてはまとめずに別に計算する */
02655   /* In 1-gram factoring, the language score on the word-head node is constant
02656      and independent of the previous word.  So, the same word hypothesis will
02657      be selected as the best previous word at the inter-word Viterbi
02658      processing.  So, in inter-word processing, we can (1) select only
02659      the best word-end hypothesis, and then (2) process viterbi from the node
02660      to each word-head node.  On the other hand, the isolated words,
02661      i.e. words not sharing any node with other word, has unique word-head
02662      node and the true 2-gram language score is determined at the top node.
02663      In such case the best word hypothesis prior to each node will differ
02664      according to the language scores.  So we have to deal such words separately. */
02665   /* initialize max value to delect best word-end hypothesis */
02666   if (lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02667     d->wordend_best_score = LOG_ZERO;
02668   }
02669 #endif
02670 #endif
02672 #ifdef DEBUG
02673   /* debug */
02674   /* node_check_token(d, tl); */
02675 #endif
02677   /* トークンバッファを初期化: 直前フレームで使われた部分だけクリアすればよい */
02678   /* initialize token buffer: for speedup, only ones used in the last call will be cleared */
02679   clear_tokens(d, tl);
02681   /**************************/
02682   /* 2. Viterbi計算         */
02683   /*    Viterbi computation */
02684   /**************************/
02685   /* 直前フレームからこのフレームへの Viterbi 計算を行なう */
02686   /* tindex[tl][n_start..n_end] に直前フレーム上位ノードのIDが格納されている */
02687   /* do one viterbi computation from last frame to this frame */
02688   /* tindex[tl][n_start..n_end] holds IDs of survived nodes in last frame */
02690   if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
02691     /*********************************/
02692     /* MULTIPATH MODE */
02693     /*********************************/
02695     for (j = d->n_start; j <= d->n_end; j++) {
02696       /* tk: 対象トークン  node: そのトークンを持つ木構造化辞書ノードID */
02697       /* tk: token data  node: lexicon tree node ID that holds the 'tk' */
02698       tk = &(d->tlist[tl][d->tindex[tl][j]]);
02699       if (tk->score <= LOG_ZERO) continue; /* invalid node */
02700 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02701       if (tk->score < d->score_pruning_threshold) {
02702         d->score_pruning_count++;
02703         continue;
02704       }
02705 #endif
02706       node = tk->node;
02707       /*********************************/
02708       /* 2.1. 単語内遷移               */
02709       /*      word-internal transition */
02710       /*********************************/
02711       beam_intra_word(wchmm, d, &tk, j);
02712     }
02713     /*******************************************************/
02714     /* 2.2. スコアでトークンをソートしビーム幅分の上位を決定 */
02715     /*    sort tokens by score up to beam width            */
02716     /*******************************************************/
02717     sort_token_no_order(d, r->trellis_beam_width, &(d->n_start), &(d->n_end));
02719     /*************************/
02720     /* 2.3. 単語間Viterbi計算  */
02721     /*    cross-word viterbi */
02722     /*************************/
02723     for(j = d->n_start; j <= d->n_end; j++) {
02724       tk = &(d->tlist[tn][d->tindex[tn][j]]);
02725       node = tk->node;
02726 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02727       if (tk->score < d->score_pruning_threshold) {
02728         d->score_pruning_count++;
02729         continue;
02730       }
02731 #endif
02732       /* 遷移元ノードが単語終端ならば */
02733       /* if source node is end state of a word, */
02734       if (wchmm->stend[node] != WORD_INVALID) {
02736         /**************************/
02737         /* 2.4. トレリス単語保存  */
02738         /*      save trellis word */
02739         /**************************/
02740 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
02741         if (r->config->successive.enabled && !d->after_trigger) {
02742           tre = tk->last_tre;   /* dummy */
02743         } else {
02744           tre = save_trellis(r->backtrellis, wchmm, tk, t, final_for_multipath);
02745         }
02746 #else
02747         tre = save_trellis(r->backtrellis, wchmm, tk, t, final_for_multipath);
02748 #endif
02749         /* 最終フレームであればここまで:遷移はさせない */
02750         /* If this is a final frame, does not do cross-word transition */
02751         if (final_for_multipath) continue;
02752         /* 単語認識モードでは単語間遷移は必要ない */
02753         if (lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) continue;
02755         /******************************/
02756         /* 2.5. 単語間遷移            */
02757         /*      cross-word transition */
02758         /******************************/
02761         /* ここで処理されるのは isolated words のみ,
02762            shared nodes はまとめてこのループの外で計算する */
02763         /* Only the isolated words will be processed here.
02764            The shared nodes with constant factoring values will be computed
02765            after this loop */
02766 #endif
02767         beam_inter_word(wchmm, d, &tk, tre, j);
02769       } /* end of cross-word processing */
02771     } /* end of main viterbi loop */
02775   } else {
02777     /*********************************/
02778     /* NORMAL MODE */
02779     /*********************************/
02781     for (j = d->n_start; j <= d->n_end; j++) {
02782       /* tk: 対象トークン  node: そのトークンを持つ木構造化辞書ノードID */
02783       /* tk: token data  node: lexicon tree node ID that holds the 'tk' */
02784       tk = &(d->tlist[tl][d->tindex[tl][j]]);
02785       if (tk->score <= LOG_ZERO) continue; /* invalid node */
02786 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02787       if (tk->score < d->score_pruning_threshold) {
02788         d->score_pruning_count++;
02789         continue;
02790       }
02791 #endif
02792       node = tk->node;
02794       /*********************************/
02795       /* 2.1. 単語内遷移               */
02796       /*      word-internal transition */
02797       /*********************************/
02798       beam_intra_word(wchmm, d, &tk, j);
02800       /* 遷移元ノードが単語終端ならば */
02801       /* if source node is end state of a word, */
02802       if (wchmm->stend[node] != WORD_INVALID) {
02804         /**************************/
02805         /* 2.2. トレリス単語保存  */
02806         /*      save trellis word */
02807         /**************************/
02808 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
02809         if (r->config->successive.enabled && !d->after_trigger) {
02810           tre = tk->last_tre;   /* dummy */
02811         } else {
02812           tre = save_trellis(r->backtrellis, wchmm, tk, t, final_for_multipath);
02813         }
02814 #else
02815         tre = save_trellis(r->backtrellis, wchmm, tk, t, final_for_multipath);
02816 #endif
02817         /* 単語認識モードでは単語間遷移は必要ない */
02818         if (lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) continue;
02820         /******************************/
02821         /* 2.3. 単語間遷移            */
02822         /*      cross-word transition */
02823         /******************************/
02826         /* ここで処理されるのは isolated words のみ,
02827            shared nodes はまとめてこのループの外で計算する */
02828         /* Only the isolated words will be processed here.
02829            The shared nodes with constant factoring values will be computed
02830            after this loop */
02831 #endif
02833         beam_inter_word(wchmm, d, &tk, tre, j);
02835       } /* end of cross-word processing */
02837     } /* end of main viterbi loop */
02840   }
02843 #ifndef WPAIR
02845   if (lmtype == LM_PROB) {
02847     /***********************************************************/
02848     /* 2.x 単語終端からfactoring付き単語先頭への遷移 ***********/
02849     /*    transition from wordend to shared (factorized) nodes */
02850     /***********************************************************/
02851     /* d->wordend_best_* holds the best word ends at this frame. */
02852     if (d->wordend_best_score > LOG_ZERO) {
02853       beam_inter_word_factoring(wchmm, d);
02854     }
02855   }
02856 #endif
02857 #endif /* UNIGRAM_FACTORING */
02859   /***************************************/
02860   /* 3. 状態の出力確率計算               */
02861   /*    compute state output probability */
02862   /***************************************/
02864   /* 次段の有効ノードについて出力確率を計算してスコアに加える */
02865   /* compute outprob for new valid (token assigned) nodes and add to score */
02866   /* 今扱っているのが入力の最終フレームの場合出力確率は計算しない */
02867   /* don't calculate the last frame (transition only) */
02869 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02870   d->score_pruning_max = LOG_ZERO;
02871   minscore = 0.0;
02872 #endif
02873   if (wchmm->hmminfo->multipath) {
02874     if (! final_for_multipath) {
02875       for (j = 0; j < d->tnum[tn]; j++) {
02876         tk = &(d->tlist[tn][d->tindex[tn][j]]);
02877         /* skip non-output state */
02878         if (wchmm->state[tk->node].out.state == NULL) continue;
02879         tk->score += outprob_style(wchmm, tk->node, tk->last_tre->wid, t, param);
02880 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02881         if (d->score_pruning_max < tk->score) d->score_pruning_max = tk->score;
02882         if (minscore > tk->score) minscore = tk->score;
02883 #endif
02884       }
02885     }
02886   } else {
02887     for (j = 0; j < d->tnum[tn]; j++) {
02888       tk = &(d->tlist[tn][d->tindex[tn][j]]);
02889       tk->score += outprob_style(wchmm, tk->node, tk->last_tre->wid, t, param);
02890 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02891       if (d->score_pruning_max < tk->score) d->score_pruning_max = tk->score;
02892       if (minscore > tk->score) minscore = tk->score;
02893 #endif
02894     }
02895   }
02896 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
02897   if (r->config->pass1.score_pruning_width >= 0.0) {
02898     d->score_pruning_threshold = d->score_pruning_max - r->config->pass1.score_pruning_width;
02899     //printf("width=%f, tnum=%d\n", d->score_pruning_max - minscore, d->tnum[tn]);
02900   } else {
02901     // disable score pruning
02902     d->score_pruning_threshold = LOG_ZERO;
02903   }
02904 #endif
02905   /*******************************************************/
02906   /* 4. スコアでトークンをソートしビーム幅分の上位を決定 */
02907   /*    sort tokens by score up to beam width            */
02908   /*******************************************************/
02910   /* tlist[tl]を次段のためにリセット */
02911   clear_tlist(d, tl);
02913   /* ヒープソートを用いてこの段のノード集合から上位(bwidth)個を得ておく */
02914   /* (上位内の順列は必要ない) */
02915   sort_token_no_order(d, r->trellis_beam_width, &(d->n_start), &(d->n_end));
02916   /***************/
02917   /* 5. 終了処理 */
02918   /*    finalize */
02919   /***************/
02921 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
02922   if (!r->config->successive.enabled || d->after_trigger) {
02923 #endif
02925     /* call frame-wise callback */
02926     r->have_interim = FALSE;
02927     if (t > 0) {
02928       if (r->config->output.progout_flag) {
02929         /* 漸次出力: 現フレームのベストパスを一定時間おきに上書き出力 */
02930         /* progressive result output: output current best path in certain time interval */
02931         if (((t-1) % r->config->output.progout_interval_frame) == 0) {
02932           r->have_interim = TRUE;
02933           bt_current_max(r, t-1);
02934         }
02935       }
02936     }
02938     /* jlog("DEBUG: %d: %d\n",t,tnum[tn]); */
02939     /* for debug: output current max word */
02940     if (debug2_flag) {
02941       bt_current_max_word(r, t-1);
02942     }
02944 #ifdef DETERMINE
02945     if (lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) {
02946       check_determine_word(r, t-1);
02947     }
02948 #endif
02950 #ifdef SPSEGMENT_NAIST
02951   }
02952 #endif
02954   /* ビーム内ノード数が 0 になってしまったら,強制終了 */
02955   if (d->tnum[tn] == 0) {
02956     jlog("ERROR: get_back_trellis_proceed: %02d %s: frame %d: no nodes left in beam, now terminates search\n", r->config->id, r->config->name, t);
02957     return(FALSE);
02958   }
02960   return(TRUE);
02962 }
02964 /*************************************************/
02965 /* frame synchronous beam search --- last frame  */
02966 /* フレーム同期ビーム探索の実行 --- 最終フレーム */
02967 /*************************************************/
02994 void
02995 get_back_trellis_end(HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r)
02996 {
02997   WCHMM_INFO *wchmm;
02998   FSBeam *d;
02999   int j;
03000   TOKEN2 *tk;
03002   wchmm = r->wchmm;
03003   d = &(r->pass1);
03005   /* 最後にビーム内に残った単語終端トークンを処理する */
03006   /* process the last wordend tokens */
03009   if (r->am->hmminfo->multipath) {
03010     /* MULTI-PATH VERSION */
03012     /* 単語末ノードへの遷移のみ計算 */
03013     /* only arcs to word-end node is calculated */
03014     get_back_trellis_proceed(param->samplenum, param, r, TRUE);
03016   } else {
03017     /* NORMAL VERSION */
03019     /* 最後の遷移のあとの単語終端処理を行う */
03020     /* process the word-ends at the last frame */
03021     d->tl = d->tn;
03022     if (d->tn == 0) d->tn = 1; else d->tn = 0;
03023     for (j = d->n_start; j <= d->n_end; j++) {
03024       tk = &(d->tlist[d->tl][d->tindex[d->tl][j]]);
03025       if (wchmm->stend[tk->node] != WORD_INVALID) {
03026         save_trellis(r->backtrellis, wchmm, tk, param->samplenum, TRUE);
03027       }
03028     }
03030   }
03031 #ifdef SCORE_PRUNING
03032   if (debug2_flag) jlog("STAT: %d tokens pruned by score beam\n", d->score_pruning_count);
03033 #endif
03035 }
03037 /*************************/
03038 /* 探索終了 --- 終了処理 */
03039 /* end of search         */
03040 /*************************/
03075 void
03076 finalize_1st_pass(RecogProcess *r, int len)
03077 {
03078   BACKTRELLIS *backtrellis;
03080   backtrellis = r->backtrellis;
03082   backtrellis->framelen = len;
03084   /* 単語トレリス(backtrellis) を整理: トレリス単語の再配置とソート */
03085   /* re-arrange backtrellis: index them by frame, and sort by word ID */
03087   bt_relocate_rw(backtrellis);
03088   bt_sort_rw(backtrellis);
03089   if (backtrellis->num == NULL) {
03090     if (backtrellis->framelen > 0) {
03091       jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: input processed, but no survived word found\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
03092     }
03093     /* reognition failed */
03094     r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_FAIL;
03095     return;
03096   }
03098   /* 第1パスのベストパスを結果に格納する */
03099   /* store 1st pass result (best hypothesis) to result */
03100   if (r->lmvar == LM_DFA_WORD) {
03101     find_1pass_result_word(len, r);
03102   } else {
03103     find_1pass_result(len, r);
03104   }
03105 }
03121 void
03122 fsbeam_free(FSBeam *d)
03123 {
03124   free_nodes(d);
03125   if (d->pausemodelnames != NULL) {
03126     free(d->pausemodelnames);
03127     free(d->pausemodel);
03128   }
03129 }
03131 /* end of file */