Julius 4.1.5
データ構造 | マクロ定義 | 関数

汎用ユーティリティ関数群に関する定義 [詳細]



 Information of allocated memory block for mybmalloc() [詳細]


#define MYBMALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE   10000
 Memory block size in bytes for mybmalloc()


char * getl (char *, int, FILE *)
 Read one line from file that has been opened by fopen_readfile().
char * getl_fp (char *, int, FILE *)
 Read one line from file pointer.
char * get_line_from_stdin (char *buf, int buflen, char *prompt)
 Get one file name from stdin with a prompt .
FILE * fopen_readfile (char *)
 Open a file with zlib.
int fclose_readfile (FILE *)
 Close a file previously opened by fopen_readfile().
FILE * fopen_writefile (char *)
 Open or create a file for writing (no compression supported),.
int fclose_writefile (FILE *)
 Close file previously opened by open_writefile().
size_t myfread (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FILE *fp)
 Read data from input stream opened by fopen_readfile().
size_t myfwrite (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, FILE *fp)
 Write data.
int myfgetc (FILE *fp)
 Read one character from input stream opened by fopen_readfile().
int myfeof (FILE *fp)
 Test if reached end of file, for files opened by fopen_readfile().
int myfrewind (FILE *fp)
 Seek to the first of the file.
void * mybmalloc2 (unsigned int size, BMALLOC_BASE **list)
 Another version of memory block allocation, used for tree lexicon.
char * mybstrdup2 (char *, BMALLOC_BASE **list)
 String duplication using mybmalloc2().
void mybfree2 (BMALLOC_BASE **list)
 Free all memories allocated by mybmalloc2()
void * mymalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a memory, as the same as malloc.
void * mymalloc_big (size_t elsize, size_t nelem)
 Allocate a memory for huge block, check for limit.
void * myrealloc (void *, size_t)
 Re-allocate memory area, keeping the existing data, as the same as realloc.
void * mycalloc (size_t, size_t)
 Allocate memory area and set it to zero, as the same as calloc.
void swap_sample_bytes (SP16 *buf, int len)
 Byte swapping of 16bit audio samples.
void swap_bytes (char *buf, size_t unitbyte, size_t unitnum)
 Generic byte-swapping functions for any size of unit.
void jlog_set_output (FILE *fp)
 Set file pointer to output the log.
FILE * jlog_get_fp ()
 Return the current file pointer to output log.
void jlog (char *format,...)
 Output a normal message to log.
int jlog_flush ()
 Flush text message.
char * mystrtok_quotation (char *str, char *delim, int left_paren, int right_paren, int mode)
 Generic function to extract tokens from strings, with quotation handling.
char * mystrtok_quote (char *str, char *delim)
 Extract tokens considering quotation by double quotation mark.
char * mystrtok (char *str, char *delim)
 Extract tokens, not considering quotation, just as the same as strtok.
char * mystrtok_movetonext (char *str, char *delim)
 Just move to the beginning of the next token, without modifying the str.
void confout (FILE *strm)
 Output all information of this libsent library.
void confout_version (FILE *strm)
 Output version of this libsent library.
void confout_audio (FILE *strm)
 Output audio configuration of this libsent library.
void confout_lm (FILE *strm)
 Output language model configuration of this libsent library.
void confout_am (FILE *strm)
 Output acoustic model configuration of this libsent library.
void confout_lib (FILE *strm)
 Output about linked libraries of this libsent library.
void confout_process (FILE *strm)
 Output about process handling of this libsent library.
void qsort_reentrant (void *base, int count, int size, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *, void *), void *pointer)
 Quick sort that will pass data poitner to comparison function for re-entrant usage.



このファイルには,テキスト読み込みや圧縮ファイル操作, メモリ割り付け,バイトオーダ操作,汎用のメッセージ出力関数などの 汎用のユーティリティ関数に関する定義が含まれています.

Akinobu LEE
Sat Feb 12 12:30:40 2005

util.h で定義されています。


#define MYBMALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE   10000

Memory block size in bytes for mybmalloc()

mybmalloc() allocate memory per big block to reduce memory management overhead. This value sets the block size to be allocated. Smaller value may leads to finer granularity, but overhead may increase. Larger value may result in reduction of overhead, but too much memory can be allocated for a small memory requirement.

util.h50 行で定義されています。

参照元 mybmalloc_set_param().


char* getl ( char *  buf,
int  maxlen,
FILE *  fp 

Read one line from file that has been opened by fopen_readfile().

Blank line will be skipped.

buf[out] data buffer
maxlen[in] maximum length of above
fp[in] file pointer or gzFile pointer
the buffer buf, or NULL on EOF or error.

readfile.c53 行で定義されています。

参照元 add_bigram(), add_unigram(), get_total_info(), ngram_read_arpa(), rddfa(), rdhmmlist(), read_token(), set_ngram(), set_unigram(), voca_load_htkdict(), と voca_load_wordlist().

char* getl_fp ( char *  buf,
int  maxlen,
FILE *  fp 

Read one line from file pointer.

Blank line will be skipped.

buf[out] data buffer
maxlen[in] maximum length of above
fp[in] file pointer
the buffer buf, or NULL on EOF or error.

readfile.c87 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_file_begin(), adin_sndfile_begin(), htk_config_file_parse(), main_recognition_stream_loop(), multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), rddfa_fp(), voca_load_htkdict_fp(), と voca_load_wordlist_fp().

char* get_line_from_stdin ( char *  buf,
int  buflen,
char *  prompt 

Get one file name from stdin with a prompt .

Blank line is omitted.

buf[out] buffer to hold input text line
buflen[in] length of the buffer
prompt[in] prompt string
pointer to buf, or NULL on EOF input.

readfile.c118 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_file_begin(), adin_sndfile_begin(), main(), と main_recognition_stream_loop().

FILE* fopen_readfile ( char *  filename)

Open a file with zlib.

filename[in] file name to open
gzFile pointer if succeed, NULL on failure.

gzfile.c55 行で定義されています。

参照元 CMN_load_from_file(), init_dfa(), init_hmminfo(), init_ngram_arpa(), init_ngram_arpa_additional(), init_ngram_bin(), init_voca(), init_wordlist(), new_SS_load_from_file(), と rdparam().

int fclose_readfile ( FILE *  fp)

Close a file previously opened by fopen_readfile().

fp[in] gzFile pointer
0 on success, -1 on error.

gzfile.c73 行で定義されています。

参照元 CMN_load_from_file(), init_dfa(), init_hmminfo(), init_ngram_arpa(), init_ngram_arpa_additional(), init_ngram_bin(), init_voca(), init_wordlist(), new_SS_load_from_file(), と rdparam().

FILE* fopen_writefile ( char *  filename)

Open or create a file for writing (no compression supported),.

filename[in] filename
the file pointer or NULL on failure.

gzfile.c336 行で定義されています。

参照元 wrwav_open().

int fclose_writefile ( FILE *  fp)

Close file previously opened by open_writefile().

fp[in] file pointer
0 on success, -1 on failure.

gzfile.c355 行で定義されています。

参照元 wrwav_close().

size_t myfread ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  n,
FILE *  fp 

Read data from input stream opened by fopen_readfile().

ptr[out] data buffer
size[in] size of unit in bytes
n[in] number of unit to be read
fp[in] gzFile pointer
number of read units or EOF, -1 on error.

gzfile.c93 行で定義されています。

参照元 init_hmminfo(), myread(), と rdnfunc().

size_t myfwrite ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  n,
FILE *  fp 

Write data.

ptr[in] data buffer
size[in] size of unit in bytes
n[in] number of unit to write
fp[in] file pointer
the number of units successfully written, or 0 if EOF or failed.

gzfile.c374 行で定義されています。

参照元 mywrite(), と wrtfunc().

int myfgetc ( FILE *  fp)

Read one character from input stream opened by fopen_readfile().

fp[in] gzFile pointer
the read character, or -1 on EOF or error.

gzfile.c112 行で定義されています。

参照元 rdn_strfunc().

int myfeof ( FILE *  fp)

Test if reached end of file, for files opened by fopen_readfile().

fp[in] gzFile pointer.
1 if already on EOF, 0 if otherwise.

gzfile.c127 行で定義されています。

int myfrewind ( FILE *  fp)

Seek to the first of the file.

fp[in] gzFile pointer.
0 on success, -1 on error.

gzfile.c143 行で定義されています。

参照元 init_hmminfo().

void* mybmalloc2 ( unsigned int  size,
BMALLOC_BASE **  list 
char* mybstrdup2 ( char *  s,
BMALLOC_BASE **  list 

String duplication using mybmalloc2().

s[in] string to be duplicated
list[i/o] total memory management information pointer
pointer to the newly allocated string.

mybmalloc.c122 行で定義されています。

参照元 rdhmmdef(), rdhmmlist(), と tmix_read().

void mybfree2 ( BMALLOC_BASE **  list)

Free all memories allocated by mybmalloc2()

list[i/o] total memory management information (will be cleaned here)

mybmalloc.c138 行で定義されています。

参照元 bt_free(), bt_prepare(), calc_tied_mix_free(), free_cdset(), hmminfo_free(), outprob_cache_free(), param_free_content(), wchmm_free(), と word_info_free().

void* mymalloc ( size_t  size)

Allocate a memory, as the same as malloc.

size[in] required size in bytes.
pointer to the the newly allocated area.

mymalloc.c41 行で定義されています。

参照元 add_arc(), add_successor(), add_to_error(), add_unigram(), adin_alsa_open(), adin_cut_callback_store_buffer(), adin_file_open(), adin_initialize(), adin_mic_standby(), adin_setup_param(), adin_tcpip_send_resume(), adin_thread_create(), build_gsset(), build_state2gs(), build_wchmm2(), calc_tied_mix_extend(), calc_tied_mix_init(), cdset_new(), CMN_realtime_new(), CMN_realtime_update(), cn_build_wordlist(), cn_new(), config_file_parse(), confnet_create(), dfa_append(), dfa_cp_append(), dfa_find_pause_word(), dfa_info_new(), dfa_pause_word_append(), dfa_state_init(), do_align(), ds48to16(), ds48to16_new(), edit_distance(), expand_env(), filepath(), find_1pass_result_word(), get_total_info(), gmm_gprune_safe_init(), gmm_init(), gms_gprune_init(), gms_init(), gms_prepare(), gprune_beam_init(), gprune_heu_init(), gprune_none_init(), gprune_safe_init(), graph_forward_backward(), graph_make_order(), hmminfo_new(), init_count_zc_e(), InitFBank(), initialize_GMM(), j_add_option(), j_jconf_am_new(), j_jconf_lm_new(), j_jconf_new(), j_jconf_search_new(), j_launch_recognition_instance(), j_mfcccalc_new(), j_process_am_new(), j_process_lm_new(), j_recog_new(), j_recogprocess_new(), make_costbl_hamming(), make_costbl_makemfcc(), make_fft_table(), make_phseq(), make_sintbl_wcep(), make_successor_list(), make_terminfo(), malloc_dfa_cp(), malloc_nodes(), malloc_wordtrellis(), max_successor_cache_init(), max_successor_prob_iw(), multigram_add(), multigram_add_gramlist(), multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), mybmalloc2(), new_make_word_hmm_with_lm(), new_node(), new_param(), new_SS_calculate(), new_SS_load_from_file(), new_str2phseq(), new_str2wordseq(), newnode(), ngram_compact_context(), ngram_info_new(), ngram_make_lookup_tree(), ngram_read_arpa(), nw_malloc(), opt_parse(), outprob_cache_extend(), outprob_cd_nbest_init(), param_str2code(), phoneme_rev_align(), rd_dens(), rd_mpdf(), rd_state(), rd_streamweight(), rd_tmix(), rd_trans(), rd_var(), rddfa_line(), rdhmmlist(), read_param(), read_token(), RealTimeInit(), RealTimePipeLine(), regist_cdset(), result_align_new(), result_sentence_malloc(), select_param_kind(), set_ngram(), set_unigram(), state_rev_align(), terminfo_append(), test_expand_triphone(), tmix_create_codebook_index(), useropt_new(), viterbi_segment(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), voca_load_wordlist_line(), wchmm_duplicate_leafnode(), wchmm_fbs(), wchmm_fbs_prepare(), wchmm_init(), wchmm_new(), WeightCepstrum(), winfo_init(), WMP_deltabuf_new(), WMP_work_new(), word_info_new(), word_rev_align(), wordgraph_adjust_boundary_sub(), wordgraph_depth_cut(), wordgraph_new(), wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id(), wt_dens(), wt_mpdf(), wt_state(), wt_streamweight(), wt_tmix(), wt_trans(), と wt_var().

void* mymalloc_big ( size_t  elsize,
size_t  nelem 

Allocate a memory for huge block, check for limit.

size[in] required size in bytes.
pointer to the the newly allocated area.

mymalloc.c63 行で定義されています。

参照元 add_bigram(), add_unigram(), set_ngram(), と set_unigram().

void* myrealloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 
void* mycalloc ( size_t  nelem,
size_t  elsize 

Allocate memory area and set it to zero, as the same as calloc.

nelem[in] size of element in bytes
elsize[in] number of elements to allocate
pointer to the newly allocated area.

mymalloc.c122 行で定義されています。

参照元 CMN(), と MVN().

void swap_sample_bytes ( SP16 buf,
int  len 

Byte swapping of 16bit audio samples.

buf[i/o] data buffer
len[in] length of above

endian.c59 行で定義されています。

参照元 adin_alsa_read(), adin_file_read(), adin_mic_read(), adin_oss_read(), adin_stdin_read(), adin_tcpip_read(), NA_read(), と wrsamp().

void swap_bytes ( char *  buf,
size_t  unitbyte,
size_t  unitnum 

Generic byte-swapping functions for any size of unit.

buf[i/o] data buffer
unitbyte[in] size of unit in bytes
unitnum[in] number of unit in the buffer

endian.c35 行で定義されています。

参照元 myread(), mywrite(), rdnfunc(), read_param(), と wrtfunc().

void jlog_set_output ( FILE *  fp)

Set file pointer to output the log.

Set to NULL to totally disable the log outputs.

fp[in] file pointer or NULL to disable

jlog.c52 行で定義されています。

FILE* jlog_get_fp ( )

Return the current file pointer to output log.

the file pointer.

jlog.c65 行で定義されています。

参照元 check_hmm_limit(), make_dfa_voca_ref(), print_engine_info(), wordgraph_check_coherence(), と wordgraph_remove_context().

void jlog ( char *  fmt,

Output a normal message to log.

fmt[in] format string, like printf.
...[in] variable length argument like printf.

jlog.c80 行で定義されています。

参照元 accept_from(), add_bigram(), add_unigram(), adin_alsa_begin(), adin_alsa_end(), adin_alsa_open(), adin_alsa_read(), adin_alsa_standby(), adin_begin(), adin_cut(), adin_cut_callback_store_buffer(), adin_end(), adin_esd_standby(), adin_file_begin(), adin_file_close(), adin_file_open(), adin_file_read(), adin_file_standby(), adin_initialize(), adin_mic_begin(), adin_mic_end(), adin_mic_open(), adin_mic_read(), adin_mic_standby(), adin_netaudio_read(), adin_oss_begin(), adin_oss_read(), adin_oss_standby(), adin_select(), adin_setup_all(), adin_setup_param(), adin_sndfile_begin(), adin_sndfile_end(), adin_sndfile_open(), adin_sndfile_standby(), adin_stdin_begin(), adin_stdin_read(), adin_store_buffer(), adin_tcpip_begin(), adin_tcpip_end(), adin_tcpip_read(), adin_tcpip_send_pause(), adin_tcpip_send_resume(), adin_tcpip_send_terminate(), adin_tcpip_standby(), adin_thread_cancel(), adin_thread_create(), adin_thread_input_main(), adin_thread_process(), adjust_sc_index(), aptree_remove_entry(), bt_current_max_word(), build_state2gs(), build_wchmm(), build_wchmm2(), callback_add_core(), callback_delete(), callback_exec(), callback_exec_adin(), callback_list_error(), charconv_iconv_setup(), charconv_libjcode_setup(), charconv_win32(), charconv_win32_setup(), check_format(), check_header(), check_hmm_limit(), check_hmm_options(), check_wchmm(), checkpath(), clear_stocker(), CMN_load_from_file(), CMN_realtime_update(), CMN_save_to_file(), codebook_add(), compaction_successor(), config_file_parse(), confnet_create(), cp_add(), cp_remove(), cpair_append(), create_mfcc_calc_instances(), decode_end(), decode_proceed(), def_mpdf_macro(), dens_add(), detect_end_of_segment(), dfa_cp_append(), dfa_pause_word_append(), dfa_symbol_lookup(), do_align(), do_filter(), ds48to16(), ds48to16_new(), error_missing_left_triphone(), error_missing_right_triphone(), expand_env(), expand_tlist(), extract_cpair(), fclose_readfile(), finalize_1st_pass(), finalize_segment(), find_1pass_result(), find_1pass_result_word(), fix_uniprob_srilm(), fopen_readfile(), fopen_writefile(), get_back_trellis_init(), get_back_trellis_proceed(), get_dens_data(), get_mpdf_data(), get_state_data(), get_streamweight_data(), get_total_info(), get_trans_data(), get_var_data(), gmm_init(), gmm_proceed(), gms_init(), gprune_none(), graph_forward_backward(), graph_make_order(), guess_abs_e_location(), guess_basenum(), guess_if_cd_hmm(), hmm_add_physical_to_logical(), hmm_add_pseudo_phones(), hmm_add_pseudo_phones_sub(), hmm_check(), htk_config_file_parse(), htk_hmm_has_several_arc_on_edge(), htk_hmm_set_pause_model(), htk_hmmdata_add(), init_dfa(), init_hmminfo(), init_ngram_arpa(), init_ngram_arpa_additional(), init_ngram_bin(), init_nodescore(), init_voca(), init_wordlist(), initialize_dict(), initialize_GMM(), initialize_GSHMM(), initialize_HMM(), j_add_option(), j_close_stream(), j_create_instance_from_jconf(), j_final_fusion(), j_get_amconf_by_id(), j_get_amconf_by_name(), j_get_lmconf_by_id(), j_get_lmconf_by_name(), j_get_searchconf_by_id(), j_get_searchconf_by_name(), j_jconf_am_regist(), j_jconf_finalize(), j_jconf_lm_regist(), j_jconf_search_regist(), j_launch_recognition_instance(), j_load_all(), j_load_am(), j_load_lm(), j_mfcccalc_new(), j_open_stream(), j_process_activate(), j_process_activate_by_id(), j_process_add_lm(), j_process_am_remove(), j_process_deactivate(), j_process_deactivate_by_id(), j_process_lm_remove(), j_process_remove(), j_recognize_stream(), j_recognize_stream_core(), list_error(), make_base_phone(), make_connection(), make_connection_unix(), make_costbl_hamming(), make_costbl_makemfcc(), make_dfa_voca_ref(), make_fft_table(), make_log_tbl(), make_ngram_ref(), make_sintbl_wcep(), make_successor_list(), make_voca_ref(), mark_word_edge(), max_successor_prob_iw(), merge_contexts(), mfcc_go(), mpdf_add(), mpdf_read(), multigram_activate(), multigram_add(), multigram_add_prefix_filelist(), multigram_add_prefix_list(), multigram_add_words_to_grammar(), multigram_append_to_global(), multigram_build(), multigram_deactivate(), multigram_delete(), multigram_exec_activate(), multigram_exec_delete(), multigram_get_grammar_by_id(), multigram_get_grammar_by_name(), multigram_get_id_by_name(), multigram_read_file_and_add(), multigram_update(), mycalloc(), myfread(), mymalloc(), mymalloc_big(), myread(), myrealloc(), NA_standby(), new_make_word_hmm_with_lm(), new_SS_calculate(), new_SS_load_from_file(), new_str2phseq(), new_str2wordseq(), next_arg(), ngram_compact_context(), ngram_nextwords(), ngram_prob(), ngram_read_arpa(), ngram_read_bin(), ngram_write_bin(), opt_parse(), outprob_init(), param_alloc(), param_check_and_adjust(), param_qualstr2code(), param_strip_zero(), print_engine_info(), print_format(), print_jconf_overview(), print_wchmm_info(), put_all_in_stack(), put_atom(), put_hypo_wname(), put_hypo_woutput(), rd(), rd_data(), rd_dens(), rd_header(), rd_mpdf(), rd_para(), rd_state(), rd_streamweight(), rd_tmix(), rd_trans(), rd_var(), rddfa_line(), rderr(), rdhmmdef(), rdhmmlist(), rdn_strfunc(), rdnfunc(), read_binhmm(), read_global_opt(), read_param(), ready_as_server(), RealTimeCMNUpdate(), RealTimeInit(), RealTimeParam(), RealTimePipeLine(), RealTimePipeLinePrepare(), regist_cdset(), reset_count_zc_e(), scan_word(), select_param_vmark(), set_beam_width(), set_global_opt(), set_ngram(), set_terminal_words(), set_unigram(), set_unknown_id(), setup_wav(), state_add(), strip_zero(), sw_add(), sw_read(), swap_leftword(), swap_rightword(), tmix_create_codebook_index(), trans_add(), trans_ok_p(), useropt_exec(), var_add(), var_read(), viterbi_segment(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), voca_load_wordlist_line(), voca_lookup_wid(), voca_mono2tri(), VTLN_recreate_fbank_cf(), Wav2MFCC(), wav2mfcc(), wchmm_add_word(), wchmm_fbs(), winfo_expand(), wordgraph_add_leftword(), wordgraph_add_rightword(), wordgraph_adjust_boundary(), wordgraph_adjust_boundary_sub(), wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword(), wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(), wordgraph_check_coherence(), wordgraph_compaction_exacttime(), wordgraph_compaction_neighbor(), wordgraph_compaction_thesame(), wordgraph_depth_cut(), wordgraph_new(), wordgraph_purge_leaf_nodes(), wordgraph_remove_context(), write_binhmm(), write_header(), wrtfunc(), wrwav_close(), wt(), wt_data(), wt_dens(), wt_header(), wt_mpdf(), wt_pdf_sub(), wt_state(), wt_streamweight(), wt_tmix(), wt_trans(), と wt_var().

int jlog_flush ( )

Flush text message.

The output device can be changed by set_print_func().

the same as fflush, i.e. 0 on success, other if failed.

jlog.c103 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_recognize_stream_core(), rderr(), と wchmm_fbs().

char* mystrtok_quotation ( char *  str,
char *  delim,
int  left_paren,
int  right_paren,
int  mode 

Generic function to extract tokens from strings, with quotation handling.

The usage is as the same as strtok.

str[i/o] source string, or NULL when this is a continuous call from previous call. Will be truncated in this function.
delim[in] string to specify the delimiters.
left_paren[in] left brace
right_paren[in] right brace
mode[in] if 1, just move to the beginning of next token
pointer to the next extracted token.

mystrtok.c51 行で定義されています。

参照元 mystrtok(), mystrtok_movetonext(), mystrtok_quote(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), と voca_load_wordlist_line().

char* mystrtok_quote ( char *  str,
char *  delim 

Extract tokens considering quotation by double quotation mark.

str[i/o] source string, will be truncated.
delim[in] string of all token delimiters
pointer to the next extracted token, or NULL when no token found.

mystrtok.c107 行で定義されています。

参照元 read_token(), voca_load_htkdict_line(), と voca_load_wordlist_line().

char* mystrtok ( char *  str,
char *  delim 

Extract tokens, not considering quotation, just as the same as strtok.

str[i/o] source string, will be truncated.
delim[in] string of all token delimiters
pointer to the next extracted token, or NULL when no token found.

mystrtok.c121 行で定義されています。

参照元 voca_load_htkdict_line(), と voca_load_wordlist_line().

char* mystrtok_movetonext ( char *  str,
char *  delim 

Just move to the beginning of the next token, without modifying the str.

str[i/o] source string, will be truncated.
delim[in] string of all token delimiters
pointer to the next extracted token, or NULL when no token found.

mystrtok.c135 行で定義されています。

参照元 voca_load_htkdict_line(), と voca_load_wordlist_line().

void confout ( FILE *  strm)

Output all information of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c151 行で定義されています。

参照元 j_put_library_defs().

void confout_version ( FILE *  strm)

Output version of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c37 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void confout_audio ( FILE *  strm)

Output audio configuration of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c48 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void confout_lm ( FILE *  strm)

Output language model configuration of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c80 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void confout_am ( FILE *  strm)

Output acoustic model configuration of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c101 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void confout_lib ( FILE *  strm)

Output about linked libraries of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c123 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void confout_process ( FILE *  strm)

Output about process handling of this libsent library.

strm[in] file pointer to output

confout.c135 行で定義されています。

参照元 confout().

void qsort_reentrant ( void *  base,
int  count,
int  size,
int(*)(const void *, const void *, void *)  compare,
void *  pointer 

Quick sort that will pass data poitner to comparison function for re-entrant usage.

base[i/o] pointer to the data array
count[in] number of elements in the array
size[in] size of an element in bytes
compare[in] comparison function
pointer[in] data which will be passed to comparison function

qsort.c77 行で定義されています。

参照元 confnet_create(), wchmm_sort_idx_by_category(), と wchmm_sort_idx_by_wseq().