Julius 4.1.5
00018 /*
00019  * Copyright (c) 1991-2007 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00020  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00021  * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00022  * All rights reserved
00023  */
00025 #include <julius/julius.h>
00036 static boolean
00037 adin_select(ADIn *a, int source, int dev)
00038 {
00039   switch(source) {
00040   case SP_RAWFILE:
00041 #ifdef HAVE_LIBSNDFILE
00042     /* libsndfile interface */
00043     a->ad_standby          = adin_sndfile_standby;
00044     a->ad_begin            = adin_sndfile_begin;
00045     a->ad_end              = adin_sndfile_end;
00046     a->ad_resume           = NULL;
00047     a->ad_pause            = NULL;
00048     a->ad_terminate        = NULL;
00049     a->ad_read             = adin_sndfile_read;
00050     a->ad_input_name       = adin_sndfile_get_current_filename;
00051     a->silence_cut_default = FALSE;
00052     a->enable_thread       = FALSE;
00053 #else  /* ~HAVE_LIBSNDFILE */
00054     /* built-in RAW/WAV reader */
00055     a->ad_standby          = adin_file_standby;
00056     a->ad_begin            = adin_file_begin;
00057     a->ad_end              = adin_file_end;
00058     a->ad_resume           = NULL;
00059     a->ad_pause            = NULL;
00060     a->ad_terminate        = NULL;
00061     a->ad_read             = adin_file_read;
00062     a->ad_input_name       = adin_file_get_current_filename;
00063     a->silence_cut_default = FALSE;
00064     a->enable_thread       = FALSE;
00065 #endif
00066     break;
00067 #ifdef USE_MIC
00068   case SP_MIC:
00069     /* microphone input */
00070     a->ad_resume           = NULL;
00071     a->ad_pause            = NULL;
00072     a->ad_terminate        = NULL;
00073     a->silence_cut_default = TRUE;
00074     a->enable_thread       = TRUE;
00075     switch(dev) {
00076     case SP_INPUT_DEFAULT:
00077       a->ad_standby          = adin_mic_standby;
00078       a->ad_begin            = adin_mic_begin;
00079       a->ad_end              = adin_mic_end;
00080       a->ad_read             = adin_mic_read;
00081       a->ad_input_name       = adin_mic_input_name;
00082       break;
00083 #ifdef HAS_ALSA
00084     case SP_INPUT_ALSA:
00085       a->ad_standby          = adin_alsa_standby;
00086       a->ad_begin            = adin_alsa_begin;
00087       a->ad_end              = adin_alsa_end;
00088       a->ad_read             = adin_alsa_read;
00089       a->ad_input_name       = adin_alsa_input_name;
00090       break;
00091 #endif
00092 #ifdef HAS_OSS
00093     case SP_INPUT_OSS:
00094       a->ad_standby          = adin_oss_standby;
00095       a->ad_begin            = adin_oss_begin;
00096       a->ad_end              = adin_oss_end;
00097       a->ad_read             = adin_oss_read;
00098       a->ad_input_name       = adin_oss_input_name;
00099       break;
00100 #endif
00101 #ifdef HAS_ESD
00102     case SP_INPUT_ESD:
00103       a->ad_standby          = adin_esd_standby;
00104       a->ad_begin            = adin_esd_begin;
00105       a->ad_end              = adin_esd_end;
00106       a->ad_read             = adin_esd_read;
00107       a->ad_input_name       = adin_esd_input_name;
00108       break;
00109 #endif
00110     default:
00111       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: invalid input device specified\n");
00112     }
00113     break;
00114 #endif
00115 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
00116   case SP_NETAUDIO:
00117     /* DatLink/NetAudio input */
00118     a->ad_standby          = adin_netaudio_standby;
00119     a->ad_begin            = adin_netaudio_begin;
00120     a->ad_end              = adin_netaudio_end;
00121     a->ad_resume           = NULL;
00122     a->ad_pause            = NULL;
00123     a->ad_terminate        = NULL;
00124     a->ad_read             = adin_netaudio_read;
00125     a->ad_input_name       = adin_netaudio_input_name;
00126     a->silence_cut_default = TRUE;
00127     a->enable_thread       = TRUE;
00128     break;
00129 #endif
00130   case SP_ADINNET:
00131     /* adinnet network input */
00132     a->ad_standby          = adin_tcpip_standby;
00133     a->ad_begin            = adin_tcpip_begin;
00134     a->ad_end              = adin_tcpip_end;
00135     a->ad_resume           = adin_tcpip_send_resume;
00136     a->ad_pause            = adin_tcpip_send_pause;
00137     a->ad_terminate        = adin_tcpip_send_terminate;
00138     a->ad_read             = adin_tcpip_read;
00139     a->ad_input_name       = adin_tcpip_input_name;
00140     a->silence_cut_default = FALSE;
00141     a->enable_thread       = FALSE;
00142     break;
00143   case SP_STDIN:
00144     /* standard input */
00145     a->ad_standby          = adin_stdin_standby;
00146     a->ad_begin            = adin_stdin_begin;
00147     a->ad_end              = NULL;
00148     a->ad_resume           = NULL;
00149     a->ad_pause            = NULL;
00150     a->ad_terminate        = NULL;
00151     a->ad_read             = adin_stdin_read;
00152     a->ad_input_name       = adin_stdin_input_name;
00153     a->silence_cut_default = FALSE;
00154     a->enable_thread       = FALSE;
00155     break;
00156   case SP_MFCFILE:
00157     /* MFC_FILE is not waveform, so special handling on main routine should be done */
00158     break;
00159   default:
00160     jlog("Error: m_adin: unknown input ID\n");
00161     return FALSE;
00162   }
00164   return TRUE;
00165 }
00184 static boolean
00185 adin_setup_all(ADIn *adin, Jconf *jconf, void *arg)
00186 {
00188   if (jconf->input.use_ds48to16) {
00189     if (jconf->input.use_ds48to16 && jconf->input.sfreq != 16000) {
00190       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: in 48kHz input mode, target sampling rate should be 16k!\n");
00191       return FALSE;
00192     }
00193     /* setup for 1/3 down sampling */
00194     adin->ds = ds48to16_new();
00195     adin->down_sample = TRUE;
00196     /* set device sampling rate to 48kHz */
00197     if (adin_standby(adin, 48000, arg) == FALSE) { /* fail */
00198       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: failed to ready input device\n");
00199       return FALSE;
00200     }
00201   } else {
00202     adin->ds = NULL;
00203     adin->down_sample = FALSE;
00204     if (adin_standby(adin, jconf->input.sfreq, arg) == FALSE) { /* fail */
00205       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: failed to ready input device\n");
00206       return FALSE;
00207     }
00208   }
00210   /* set parameter for recording/silence detection */
00211   if (adin_setup_param(adin, jconf) == FALSE) {
00212     jlog("ERROR: m_adin: failed to set parameter for input device\n");
00213     return FALSE;
00214   }
00216   adin->input_side_segment = FALSE;
00218   return TRUE;
00219 }
00237 boolean
00238 adin_initialize(Recog *recog)
00239 {
00240   char *arg = NULL;
00241   ADIn *adin;
00242   Jconf *jconf;
00243 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
00244   FUNC_INT func;
00245   int sid;
00246 #endif
00248   adin = recog->adin;
00249   jconf = recog->jconf;
00251   jlog("STAT: ###### initialize input device\n");
00253   /* select input device: file, mic, netaudio, etc... */
00254 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
00255   sid = jconf->input.plugin_source;
00256   if (sid >= 0) {
00257     /* set plugin properties and functions to adin */
00258     func = (FUNC_INT) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_get_configuration");
00259     if (func == NULL) {
00260       jlog("ERROR: invalid plugin: adin_get_configuration() not exist\n");
00261       return FALSE;
00262     }
00263     adin->silence_cut_default = (*func)(1);
00264     adin->enable_thread = (*func)(2);
00266     adin->ad_standby       = (boolean (*)(int, void *)) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_standby");
00267     adin->ad_begin         = (boolean (*)(char *)) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_open");
00268     adin->ad_end           = (boolean (*)()) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_close");
00269     adin->ad_resume        = (boolean (*)()) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_resume");
00270     adin->ad_pause         = (boolean (*)()) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_pause");
00271     adin->ad_terminate     = (boolean (*)()) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_terminate");
00272     adin->ad_read          = (int (*)(SP16 *, int)) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_read");
00273     adin->ad_input_name    = (char * (*)()) plugin_get_func(sid, "adin_input_name");
00274     if (adin->ad_read == NULL) {
00275       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: selected plugin has no function adin_read()\n");
00276       return FALSE;
00277     }
00278   } else {
00279 #endif
00280     /* built-in */
00281     if (adin_select(adin, jconf->input.speech_input, jconf->input.device) == FALSE) {
00282       jlog("ERROR: m_adin: failed to select input device\n");
00283       return FALSE;
00284     }
00286     /* set sampling frequency and device-dependent configuration
00287        (argument is device-dependent) */
00288     switch(jconf->input.speech_input) {
00289     case SP_ADINNET:            /* arg: port number */
00290       arg = mymalloc(100);
00291       sprintf(arg, "%d", jconf->input.adinnet_port);
00292       break;
00293     case SP_RAWFILE:            /* arg: filename of file list (if any) */
00294       if (jconf->input.inputlist_filename != NULL) {
00295         arg = mymalloc(strlen(jconf->input.inputlist_filename)+1);
00296         strcpy(arg, jconf->input.inputlist_filename);
00297       } else {
00298         arg = NULL;
00299       }
00300       break;
00301     case SP_STDIN:
00302       arg = NULL;
00303       break;
00304 #ifdef USE_NETAUDIO
00305     case SP_NETAUDIO:           /* netaudio server/port name */
00306       arg = mymalloc(strlen(jconf->input.netaudio_devname)+1);
00307       strcpy(arg, jconf->input.netaudio_devname);
00308       break;
00309 #endif
00310     }
00311 #ifdef ENABLE_PLUGIN
00312   }
00313 #endif
00315   if (adin_setup_all(adin, jconf, arg) == FALSE) {
00316     return FALSE;
00317   }
00319   if (arg != NULL) free(arg);
00321   return TRUE;
00322 }
00324 /* end of file */