Julius 4.2
00041 /*
00042  * Copyright (c) 1991-2011 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
00043  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
00044  * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
00045  * All rights reserved
00046  */
00048 #include <julius/julius.h>
00050 /* declaration of local functions */
00051 static NODE *get_best_from_stack(NODE **start, int *stacknum);
00052 static int put_to_stack(NODE *new, NODE **start, NODE **bottom, int *stacknum, int stacksize);
00053 static void put_all_in_stack(NODE **start, int *stacknum, WORD_INFO *winfo);
00054 static void free_all_nodes(NODE *node);
00055 static void put_hypo_woutput(NODE *hypo, WORD_INFO *winfo);
00056 static void put_hypo_wname(NODE *hypo, WORD_INFO *winfo);
00058 /**********************************************************************/
00059 /********** 次単語格納領域の割り当て          *************************/
00060 /********** allocate memory for nextword data *************************/
00061 /**********************************************************************/
00085 static NEXTWORD **
00086 nw_malloc(int *maxlen, NEXTWORD **root, int max)
00087 {
00088   NEXTWORD *nwtmp;
00089   NEXTWORD **nw;
00090   int i;
00092   nw = (NEXTWORD **)mymalloc(max * sizeof(NEXTWORD *));
00093   nwtmp = (NEXTWORD *)mymalloc(max * sizeof(NEXTWORD));
00094   for (i=0;i<max; i++) {
00095     nw[i] = &(nwtmp[i]);
00096   }
00097   *maxlen = max;
00098   *root = nwtmp;
00099   return nw;
00100 }
00117 static void
00118 nw_free(NEXTWORD **nw, NEXTWORD *root)
00119 {
00120   free(root);
00121   free(nw);
00122 }
00162 static NEXTWORD **
00163 nw_expand(NEXTWORD **nwold, int *maxlen, NEXTWORD **root, int num)
00164 {
00165   NEXTWORD *nwtmp;
00166   NEXTWORD **nw;
00167   int i;
00168   int nwmaxlen;
00170   nwmaxlen = *maxlen + num;
00172   nwtmp = (NEXTWORD *)myrealloc(*root, nwmaxlen * sizeof(NEXTWORD));
00173   nw = (NEXTWORD **)myrealloc(nwold, nwmaxlen * sizeof(NEXTWORD *));
00174   nw[0] = nwtmp;
00175   for (i=1;i<nwmaxlen; i++) {
00176     nw[i] = &(nwtmp[i]);
00177   }
00178   *maxlen = nwmaxlen;
00179   *root = nwtmp;
00180   return nw;
00181 }
00184 /**********************************************************************/
00185 /********** 仮説スタックの操作         ********************************/
00186 /********** Hypothesis stack operation ********************************/
00187 /**********************************************************************/
00208 static NODE *
00209 get_best_from_stack(NODE **start, int *stacknum)
00210 {
00211   NODE *tmp;
00213   /* return top */
00214   tmp=(*start);
00215   if ((*start)!=NULL) {         /* delete it from stack */
00216     (*start)=(*start)->next;
00217     if ((*start)!=NULL) (*start)->prev=NULL;
00218     (*stacknum)--;
00219     return(tmp);
00220   }
00221   else {
00222     return(NULL);
00223   }
00224 }
00252 static int
00253 can_put_to_stack(NODE *new, NODE **bottom, int *stacknum, int stacksize)
00254 {
00255   /* stack size check */
00256   if ((*stacknum + 1) > stacksize && (*bottom)->score >= new->score) {
00257     /* new node is below the bottom: discard it */
00258     return(-1);
00259   }
00260   return(0);
00261 }
00291 static int
00292 put_to_stack(NODE *new, NODE **start, NODE **bottom, int *stacknum, int stacksize)
00293 {
00294   NODE *tmp;
00296   /* stack size is going to increase... */
00297   (*stacknum)++;
00299   /* stack size check */
00300   if ((*stacknum)>stacksize) {
00301     /* stack size overflow */
00302     (*stacknum)--;
00303     if ((*bottom)->score < new->score) {
00304       /* new node will be inserted in the stack: free the bottom */
00305       tmp=(*bottom);
00306       (*bottom)->prev->next=NULL;
00307       (*bottom)=(*bottom)->prev;
00308       free_node(tmp);
00309     } else {
00310       /* new node is below the bottom: discard it */
00311       free_node(new);
00312       return(-1);
00313     }
00314   }
00316   /* insert new node on edge */
00317   if ((*start)==NULL) {         /* no node in stack */
00318     /* new node is the only node */
00319     (*start)=new;
00320     (*bottom)=new;
00321     new->next=NULL;
00322     new->prev=NULL;
00323     return(0);
00324   }
00325   if ((*start)->score <= new->score) {
00326     /* insert on the top */
00327     new->next = (*start);
00328     new->next->prev = new;
00329     (*start)=new;
00330     new->prev=NULL;
00331     return(0);
00332   }
00333   if ((*bottom)->score >= new->score) {
00334     /* insert on the bottom */
00335     new->prev = (*bottom);
00336     new->prev->next = new;
00337     (*bottom)=new;
00338     new->next=NULL;
00339     return(0);
00340   }
00342   /* now the new node is between (*start) and (*bottom) */
00343   if (((*start)->score + (*bottom)->score) / 2 > new->score) {
00344     /* search from bottom */
00345     tmp=(*bottom);
00346     while(tmp->score < new->score) tmp=tmp->prev;
00347     new->prev=tmp;
00348     new->next=tmp->next;
00349     tmp->next->prev=new;
00350     tmp->next=new;
00351   } else {
00352     /* search from start */
00353     tmp=(*start);
00354     while(tmp->score > new->score) tmp=tmp->next;
00355     new->next=tmp;
00356     new->prev=tmp->prev;
00357     tmp->prev->next=new;
00358     tmp->prev=new;
00359   }
00360   return(0);
00361 }
00379 static void
00380 put_all_in_stack(NODE **start, int *stacknum, WORD_INFO *winfo)
00381 {
00382   NODE *ntmp;
00384   jlog("DEBUG: hypotheses remained in global stack\n");
00385   while ((ntmp = get_best_from_stack(start, stacknum)) != NULL) {
00386     jlog("DEBUG: %3d: s=%f",*stacknum, ntmp->score);
00387     put_hypo_woutput(ntmp, winfo);
00388     free_node(ntmp);
00389   }
00390 }
00404 static void
00405 free_all_nodes(NODE *start)
00406 {
00407   NODE *tmp;
00408   NODE *next;
00410   tmp=start;
00411   while(tmp) {
00412     next=tmp->next;
00413     free_node(tmp);
00414     tmp=next;
00415   }
00416 }
00421 /**********************************************************************/
00422 /********** 単語信頼度の計算 ******************************************/
00423 /********** Confidence scoring ****************************************/
00424 /**********************************************************************/
00426 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
00427 /**************************************************************/
00428 /**** CM computation method 1(default):                  ******/
00429 /****   - Use local posterior probabilities while search ******/
00430 /****   - Obtain CM at hypothesis expansion time         ******/
00431 /**************************************************************/
00451 static void
00452 cm_init(StackDecode *sd, int wnum, LOGPROB cm_alpha
00453 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00454         , cm_alpha_num
00455 #endif
00456         )
00457 {
00458   sd->l_stacksize = wnum;
00459   sd->l_start = sd->l_bottom = NULL;
00460   sd->l_stacknum = 0;
00461   sd->cm_alpha = cm_alpha;
00462 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00463   if (sd->cmsumlist) {
00464     if (sd->cmsumlistlen < cm_alpha_num) {
00465       free(sd->cmsumlist);
00466       sd->cmsumlist = NULL;
00467     }
00468   }
00469   if (sd->cmsumlist == NULL) {
00470     sd->cmsumlist = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * cm_alpha_num);
00471     sd->cmsumlistlen = cm_alpha_num;
00472   }
00473 #endif    
00474 }
00490 static void
00491 cm_store(StackDecode *sd, NODE *new)
00492 {
00493   /* store the generated hypo into local stack */
00494   put_to_stack(new, &(sd->l_start), &(sd->l_bottom), &(sd->l_stacknum), sd->l_stacksize);
00495 }
00512 static void
00513 cm_sum_score(StackDecode *sd
00514 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00515              , bgn, end, step
00516 #endif
00517 )
00518 {
00519   NODE *node;
00520   LOGPROB sum;
00521 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00522   LOGPROB a;
00523   int j;
00524 #endif
00526   if (sd->l_start == NULL) return;      /* no hypo */
00527   sd->cm_tmpbestscore = sd->l_start->score; /* best hypo is at the top of the stack */
00529 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00530   for (j = 0, a = bgn; a <= end; a += step) {
00531     sum = 0.0;
00532     for(node = sd->l_start; node; node = node->next) {
00533       sum += pow(10, a * (node->score - sd->cm_tmpbestscore));
00534     }
00535     sd->cmsumlist[j++] = sum;   /* store sums for each alpha coef. */
00536   }
00537 #else
00538   sum = 0.0;
00539   for(node = sd->l_start; node; node = node->next) {
00540     sum += pow(10, sd->cm_alpha * (node->score - sd->cm_tmpbestscore));
00541   }
00542   sd->cm_tmpsum = sum;          /* store sum */
00543 #endif
00545 }
00563 static void
00564 cm_set_score(StackDecode *sd, NODE *node
00565 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00566              , bgn, end, step
00567 #endif
00568              )
00569 {
00570 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00571   int j;
00572   LOGPROB a;
00573 #endif
00575 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00576   for (j = 0, a = bgn; a <= end; a += step) {
00577     node->cmscore[node->seqnum-1][j] = pow(10, a * (node->score - sd->cm_tmpbestscore)) / sd->cmsumlist[j];
00578     j++;
00579   }
00580 #else
00581   node->cmscore[node->seqnum-1] = pow(10, sd->cm_alpha * (node->score - sd->cm_tmpbestscore)) / sd->cm_tmpsum;
00582 #endif
00583 }
00601 static NODE *
00602 cm_get_node(StackDecode *sd)
00603 {
00604   return(get_best_from_stack(&(sd->l_start), &(sd->l_stacknum)));
00605 }
00607 #endif /* CM_SEARCH */
00609 #ifdef CM_NBEST
00610 /*****************************************************************/
00611 /**** CM computation method 2: conventional N-best scoring *******/
00612 /**** NOTE: enough N-best should be computed (-n 10 ~ -n 100) ****/
00613 /*****************************************************************/
00634 static void
00635 cm_compute_from_nbest(StackDecode *sd, NODE *start, int stacknum, JCONF_SEARCH *jconf)
00636 {
00637   NODE *node;
00638   LOGPROB bestscore, sum, s;
00639   WORD_ID w;
00640   int i;
00641   LOGPROB cm_alpha;
00642   int j;
00644   /* prepare buffer */
00645 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00646   if (sd->cmsumlist) {
00647     if (sd->cmsumlistlen < jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_num) {
00648       free(sd->cmsumlist);
00649       sd->cmsumlist = NULL;
00650     }
00651   }
00652   if (sd->cmsumlist == NULL) {
00653     sd->cmsumlist = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_num);
00654     sd->cmsumlistlen = cm_alpha_num;
00655   }
00656 #endif    
00657   if (sd->sentcm == NULL) {             /* not allocated yet */
00658     sd->sentcm = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*stacknum);
00659     sd->sentnum = stacknum;
00660   } else if (sd->sentnum < stacknum) { /* need expanded */
00661     sd->sentcm = (LOGPROB *)myrealloc(sd->sentcm, sizeof(LOGPROB)*stacknum);
00662     sd->sentnum = stacknum;
00663   }
00664   if (sd->wordcm == NULL) {
00665     sd->wordcm = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB) * winfo->num);
00666     sd->wordnum = winfo->num;
00667   } else if (sd->wordnum < winfo->num) {
00668     sd->wordcm = (LOGPROB *)myremalloc(sd->wordcm, sizeof(LOGPROB) * winfo->num);
00669     sd->wordnum = winfo->num;
00670   }
00672   cm_alpha = jconf->annotate.cm_alpha;
00673 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00674   for (j = 0, cm_alpha = jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn; cm_alpha <= jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_end; cm_alpha += jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_step) {
00675 #endif
00676     /* clear whole word cm buffer */
00677     for(w=0;w<sd->wordnum;w++) {
00678       sd->wordcm[w] = 0.0;
00679     }
00680     /* get best score */
00681     bestscore = start->score;
00682     /* compute sum score of all hypothesis */
00683     sum = 0.0;
00684     for (node = start; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
00685       sum += pow(10, cm_alpha * (node->score - bestscore));
00686     }
00687     /* compute sentence posteriori probabilities */
00688     i = 0;
00689     for (node = start; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
00690       sd->sentcm[i] = pow(10, cm_alpha * (node->score - bestscore)) / sum;
00691       i++;
00692     }
00693     /* compute word posteriori probabilities */
00694     i = 0;
00695     for (node = start; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
00696       for (w=0;w<node->seqnum;w++) {
00697         sd->wordcm[node->seq[w]] += sd->sentcm[i];
00698       }
00699       i++;
00700     }
00701     /* store the probabilities to node */
00702     for (node = start; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
00703       for (w=0;w<node->seqnum;w++) {
00704 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00705         node->cmscore[w][j] = sd->wordcm[node->seq[w]];
00706 #else   
00707         node->cmscore[w] = sd->wordcm[node->seq[w]];
00708 #endif
00709       }
00710     }
00711 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
00712     j++;
00713   }
00714 #endif
00715 }
00717 #endif /* CM_NBEST */
00719 #endif /* CONFIDENCE_MEASURE */
00722 /**********************************************************************/
00723 /********** Enveloped best-first search *******************************/
00724 /**********************************************************************/
00726 /*
00727  * 1. Word envelope
00728  *
00729  * 一種の仮説ビーム幅を設定: 展開元となった仮説の数をその仮説長(単語数)
00730  * ごとにカウントする. 一定数を越えたらそれより短い仮説は以後展開しない. 
00731  * 
00732  * Introduce a kind of beam width to search tree: count the number of
00733  * popped hypotheses per the depth of the hypotheses, and when a count
00734  * in a certain depth reaches the threshold, all hypotheses shorter than
00735  * the depth will be dropped from candidates.
00736  *
00737  */
00752 static void
00753 wb_init(StackDecode *s)
00754 {
00755   int i;
00756   for(i=0;i<=MAXSEQNUM;i++) s->hypo_len_count[i] = 0;
00757   s->maximum_filled_length = -1;
00758 }
00786 static boolean
00787 wb_ok(StackDecode *s, NODE *now, int width)
00788 {
00789   if (now->seqnum <= s->maximum_filled_length) {
00790     /* word expansion is not allowed because a word expansion count
00791        at deeper level has already reached the limit */
00792     return FALSE;
00793   } else {
00794     /* word expansion is possible.  Increment the word expansion count
00795        of the given depth */
00796     s->hypo_len_count[now->seqnum]++;
00797     if (s->hypo_len_count[now->seqnum] > width) {
00798       /* the word expansion count of this level has reached the limit, so
00799          set the beam-filled depth to this level to inhibit further
00800          expansion of shorter hypotheses. */
00801       if (s->maximum_filled_length < now->seqnum) s->maximum_filled_length = now->seqnum;
00802     }
00803     return TRUE;
00804   }
00805 }
00807 #ifdef SCAN_BEAM
00808 /*
00809  * 2. Score envelope
00810  *
00811  * Viterbi計算量の削減: 入力フレームごとの最大尤度 (score envelope) を
00812  * 全仮説にわたって記録しておく. 仮説の前向き尤度計算時に,その envelope
00813  * から一定幅以上スコアが下回るとき,Viterbi パスの演算を中断する. 
00814  *
00815  * ここでは,取り出した仮説からフレームごとの score envelope を更新する
00816  * 部分が記述されている. Envelope を考慮した Viterbi 計算の実際は
00817  * scan_word() を参照のこと. 
00818  *
00819  * Reduce computation cost of hypothesis Viterbi processing by setting a
00820  * "score envelope" that holds the maximum scores at every frames
00821  * throughout the expanded hypotheses.  When calculating Viterbi path
00822  * on HMM trellis for updating score of popped hypothesis, Viterbi paths
00823  * that goes below a certain range from the score envelope are dropped.
00824  *
00825  * These functions are for updating the score envelope according to the
00826  * popped hypothesis.  For actual Viterbi process with score envelope, 
00827  * see scan_word().
00828  *
00829  */
00846 static void
00847 envl_init(StackDecode *s, int framenum)
00848 {
00849   int i;
00850   for(i=0;i<framenum;i++) s->framemaxscore[i] = LOG_ZERO;
00851 }
00869 static void
00870 envl_update(StackDecode *s, NODE *n, int framenum)
00871 {
00872   int t;
00873   for(t=framenum-1;t>=0;t--) {
00874     if (s->framemaxscore[t] < n->g[t]) s->framemaxscore[t] = n->g[t];
00875   }
00876 }
00877 #endif /* SCAN_BEAM */
00880 /**********************************************************************/
00881 /********** Short pause segmentation **********************************/
00882 /**********************************************************************/
00907 void
00908 segment_set_last_nword(NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
00909 {
00910   int i;
00911   WORD_ID w;
00913   if (r->sp_break_last_nword_allow_override) {
00914     for(i=0;i<hypo->seqnum;i++) {
00915       w = hypo->seq[i];
00916       if (w != r->sp_break_last_word
00917           && !is_sil(w, r)
00918           && !r->lm->winfo->is_transparent[w]
00919           ) {
00920         r->sp_break_last_nword = w;
00921         break;
00922       }
00923     }
00924 #ifdef SP_BREAK_DEBUG
00925     printf("sp_break_last_nword=%d[%s]\n", r->sp_break_last_nword, r->lm->winfo->woutput[r->sp_break_last_nword]);
00926 #endif
00927   } else {
00928     r->sp_break_last_nword = WORD_INVALID;
00929   }
00930 }
00933 /**********************************************************************/
00934 /********* Debug output of hypothesis while search ********************/
00935 /**********************************************************************/
00951 static void
00952 put_hypo_woutput(NODE *hypo, WORD_INFO *winfo)
00953 {
00954   int i,w;
00956   if (hypo != NULL) {
00957     for (i=hypo->seqnum-1;i>=0;i--) {
00958       w = hypo->seq[i];
00959       jlog(" %s", winfo->woutput[w]);
00960     }
00961   }
00962   jlog("\n");  
00963 }
00979 static void
00980 put_hypo_wname(NODE *hypo, WORD_INFO *winfo)
00981 {
00982   int i,w;
00984   if (hypo != NULL) {
00985     for (i=hypo->seqnum-1;i>=0;i--) {
00986       w = hypo->seq[i];
00987       jlog(" %s", winfo->wname[w]);
00988     }
00989   }
00990   jlog("\n");  
00991 }
01005 static void
01006 store_result_pass2(NODE *hypo, RecogProcess *r)
01007 {
01008   int i;
01009   Sentence *s;
01011   s = &(r->result.sent[r->result.sentnum]);
01013   s->word_num = hypo->seqnum;
01014   for (i = 0; i < hypo->seqnum; i++) {
01015     s->word[i] = hypo->seq[hypo->seqnum - 1 - i];
01016   }
01018   for (i = 0; i < hypo->seqnum; i++) {
01019     s->confidence[i] = hypo->cmscore[hypo->seqnum - 1 - i];
01020   }
01021 #endif
01023   s->score = hypo->score;
01024   s->score_lm = hypo->totallscore;
01025   s->score_am = hypo->score - hypo->totallscore;
01026   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01027     /* output which grammar the hypothesis belongs to on multiple grammar */
01028     /* determine only by the last word */
01029     if (multigram_get_all_num(r->lm) > 0) {
01030       s->gram_id = multigram_get_gram_from_category(r->lm->winfo->wton[hypo->seq[0]], r->lm);
01031     } else {
01032       s->gram_id = 0;
01033     }
01034   }
01036   r->result.sentnum++;
01037   /* add to tail */
01038 }
01041 /**********************************************************************/
01042 /******** Output top 'ncan' hypotheses in a stack and free all ********/
01043 /**********************************************************************/
01087 static void
01088 result_reorder_and_output(NODE **r_start, NODE **r_bottom, int *r_stacknum, int ncan, RecogProcess *r, HTK_Param *param)
01089 {
01090   NODE *now;
01091   int num;
01093 #ifdef CM_NBEST 
01094   /* compute CM from the N-best sentence candidates */
01095   cm_compute_from_nbest(&(r->pass2), *r_start, *r_stacknum, r->config);
01096 #endif
01097   num = 0;
01098   while ((now = get_best_from_stack(r_start,r_stacknum)) != NULL && num < ncan) {
01099     num++;
01100     /* output result */
01101     store_result_pass2(now, r);
01103     /* if in sp segmentation mode, */
01104     /* set the last context-aware word for next recognition */
01105     if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB && r->config->successive.enabled && num == 1) segment_set_last_nword(now, r);
01107     free_node(now);
01108   }
01109   /* free the rest */
01110   if (now != NULL) free_node(now);
01111   free_all_nodes(*r_start);
01112 }  
01149 void
01150 pass2_finalize_on_no_result(RecogProcess *r, boolean use_1pass_as_final)
01151 {
01152   NODE *now;
01153   int i, j;
01155   /* 探索失敗 */
01156   /* search failed */
01158   /* make temporal hypothesis data from the result of previous 1st pass */
01159   now = newnode(r);
01160   for (i=0;i<r->pass1_wnum;i++) {
01161     now->seq[i] = r->pass1_wseq[r->pass1_wnum-1-i];
01162   }
01163   now->seqnum = r->pass1_wnum;
01164   now->score = r->pass1_score;
01166   /* fill in null values */
01167 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01168   for(j=0;j<jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_num;j++) {
01169     for(i=0;i<now->seqnum;i++) now->cmscore[i][j] = 0.0;
01170   }
01171 #else
01172   for(i=0;i<now->seqnum;i++) now->cmscore[i] = 0.0;
01173 #endif
01174 #endif /* CONFIDENCE_MEASURE */
01176   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB && r->config->successive.enabled) {
01177     /* if in sp segment mode, */
01178     /* find segment restart words from 1st pass result */
01179     segment_set_last_nword(now, r);
01180   }
01182   if (use_1pass_as_final) {
01183     /* 第1パスの結果をそのまま出力する */
01184     /* output the result of the previous 1st pass as a final result. */
01185     store_result_pass2(now, r);
01186     r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
01187   } else {
01188     /* store output as failure */
01189     r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_FAIL;
01190     //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
01191   }
01193   free_node(now);
01194 }
01197 /**********************************************************************/
01198 /********* Main stack decoding function *******************************/
01199 /**********************************************************************/
01228 void
01229 wchmm_fbs(HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r, int cate_bgn, int cate_num)
01230 {
01231   /* 文仮説スタック */
01232   /* hypothesis stack (double-linked list) */
01233   int stacknum;                 /* current stack size */
01234   NODE *start = NULL;           /* top node */
01235   NODE *bottom = NULL;          /* bottom node */
01237   /* 認識結果格納スタック(結果はここへいったん集められる) */
01238   /* result sentence stack (found results will be stored here and then re-ordered) */
01239   int r_stacksize;
01240   int r_stacknum;
01241   NODE *r_start = NULL;
01242   NODE *r_bottom = NULL;
01244   /* ワークエリア */
01245   /* work area */
01246   NEXTWORD fornoise; /* Dummy NEXTWORD data for short-pause insertion handling */
01248   NEXTWORD **nextword, *nwroot; /* buffer to store predicted words */
01249   int maxnwnum;                 /* current allocated number of words in nextword */
01250   int nwnum;                    /* current number of words in nextword */
01251   NODE *now, *new;              /* popped current hypo., expanded new hypo. */
01252   NODE *now_noise;             /* for inserting/deleting noise word */
01253   boolean now_noise_calced;
01254   boolean acc;
01255   int t;
01256   int w,i,j;
01257   LOGPROB last_score = LOG_ZERO;
01258   /* for graph generation */
01259   LOGPROB prev_score;
01260   WordGraph *wordgraph_root = NULL;
01261   boolean merged_p;
01263   int dynamic_merged_num = 0;
01264   WordGraph *wtmp;
01265   LOGPROB lscore_prev;
01266 #endif
01267 #ifdef GRAPHOUT_SEARCH
01268   int terminate_search_num = 0;
01269 #endif
01271   /* local temporal parameter */
01272   int stacksize, ncan, maxhypo, peseqlen;
01273   JCONF_SEARCH *jconf;
01274   WORD_INFO *winfo;
01275   NGRAM_INFO *ngram;
01276   DFA_INFO *gdfa;
01277   BACKTRELLIS *backtrellis;
01278   StackDecode *dwrk;
01280   if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01281     if (debug2_flag) jlog("DEBUG: only words in these categories will be expanded: %d-%d\n", cate_bgn, cate_bgn + cate_num-1);
01282   }
01284   /*
01285    * 初期化
01286    * Initialize
01287    */
01289   /* just for quick access */
01290   jconf = r->config;
01291   winfo = r->lm->winfo;
01292   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01293     ngram = r->lm->ngram;
01294   } else if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01295     gdfa = r->lm->dfa;
01296   }
01297   backtrellis = r->backtrellis;
01298   dwrk = &(r->pass2);
01300   stacksize = jconf->pass2.stack_size;
01301   ncan = jconf->pass2.nbest;
01302   maxhypo = jconf->pass2.hypo_overflow;
01303   peseqlen = backtrellis->framelen;
01305   /* store data for sub routines */
01306   r->peseqlen = backtrellis->framelen;
01307   //recog->ccd_flag = recog->jconf->am.ccd_flag;
01308   /* 予測単語格納領域を確保 */
01309   /* malloc area for word prediction */
01310   /* the initial maximum number of nextwords is the size of vocabulary */
01311   nextword = nw_malloc(&maxnwnum, &nwroot, winfo->num);
01312   /* 前向きスコア計算用の領域を確保 */
01313   /* malloc are for forward viterbi (scan_word()) */
01314   malloc_wordtrellis(r);                /* scan_word用領域 */
01315   /* 仮説スタック初期化 */
01316   /* initialize hypothesis stack */
01317   start = bottom = NULL;
01318   stacknum = 0;
01319   /* 結果格納スタック初期化 */
01320   /* initialize result stack */
01321   r_stacksize = ncan;
01322   r_start = r_bottom = NULL;
01323   r_stacknum = 0;
01325   /* カウンタ初期化 */
01326   /* initialize counter */
01327   dwrk->popctr = 0;
01328   dwrk->genectr = 0;
01329   dwrk->pushctr = 0;
01330   dwrk->finishnum = 0;
01332 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01333   /* initialize local stack */
01334   cm_init(dwrk, winfo->num, jconf->annotate.cm_alpha
01335 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01336           , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_num
01337 #endif
01338           );
01339 #endif
01340 #ifdef SCAN_BEAM
01341   /* prepare and initialize score envelope */
01342   dwrk->framemaxscore = (LOGPROB *)mymalloc(sizeof(LOGPROB)*peseqlen);
01343   envl_init(dwrk, peseqlen);
01344 #endif /* SCAN_BEAM */
01346   /* エンベロープ探索用の単語長別展開数カウンタを初期化 */
01347   /* initialize counters for envelope search */
01348   if (jconf->pass2.enveloped_bestfirst_width >= 0) wb_init(dwrk);
01350   if (jconf->graph.enabled) {
01351     wordgraph_init(r->wchmm);
01352   }
01354   /* 
01355    * 初期仮説(1単語からなる)を得, 文仮説スタックにいれる
01356    * get a set of initial words from LM function and push them as initial
01357    * hypotheses
01358    */
01359   /* the first words will be stored in nextword[] */
01360   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01361     nwnum = ngram_firstwords(nextword, peseqlen, maxnwnum, r);
01362   } else if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01363     nwnum = dfa_firstwords(nextword, peseqlen, maxnwnum, r);
01364     /* 溢れたら、バッファを増やして再チャレンジ */
01365     /* If the number of nextwords can exceed the buffer size, expand the
01366        nextword data area */
01367     while (nwnum < 0) {
01368       nextword = nw_expand(nextword, &maxnwnum, &nwroot, winfo->num);
01369       nwnum = dfa_firstwords(nextword, peseqlen, maxnwnum, r);
01370     }
01371   }
01373   if (debug2_flag) {
01374     jlog("DEBUG: %d words in wordtrellis as first hypothesis\n", nwnum);
01375   }
01377   /* store them to stack */
01378   for (w = 0; w < nwnum; w++) {
01379     if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01380       /* limit word hypothesis */
01381       if (! (winfo->wton[nextword[w]->id] >= cate_bgn && winfo->wton[nextword[w]->id] < cate_bgn + cate_num)) {
01382         continue;
01383       }
01384     }
01385     /* generate new hypothesis */
01386     new = newnode(r);
01387     start_word(new, nextword[w], param, r);
01388     if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01389       if (new->score <= LOG_ZERO) { /* not on trellis */
01390         free_node(new);
01391         continue;
01392       }
01393     }
01394     dwrk->genectr++;
01395 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01396     /* store the local hypothesis to temporal stack */
01397     cm_store(dwrk, new);
01398 #else 
01399     /* put to stack */
01400     if (put_to_stack(new, &start, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize) != -1) {
01401       dwrk->current = new;
01402       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_DEBUG_PASS2_PUSH, r);
01403       if (jconf->graph.enabled) {
01404         new->prevgraph = NULL;
01405         new->lastcontext = NULL;
01406       }
01407       dwrk->pushctr++;
01408     }
01409 #endif
01410   }
01411 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01412   /* compute score sum */
01413   cm_sum_score(dwrk
01414 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01415                , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn
01416                , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_end
01417                , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_step
01418 #endif
01419                );
01421   /* compute CM and put the generated hypotheses to global stack */
01422   while ((new = cm_get_node(dwrk)) != NULL) {
01423     cm_set_score(dwrk, new
01424 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01425                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn
01426                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_end
01427                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_step
01428 #endif
01429                  );
01430 #ifdef CM_SEARCH_LIMIT
01431     if (new->cmscore[new->seqnum-1] < jconf->annotate.cm_cut_thres
01433         && dwrk->finishnum > 0
01434 #endif
01435         ) {
01436       free_node(new);
01437       continue;
01438     }
01439 #endif /* CM_SEARCH_LIMIT */
01441     if (put_to_stack(new, &start, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize) != -1) {
01442       dwrk->current = new;
01443       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_DEBUG_PASS2_PUSH, r);
01444       if (r->graphout) {
01445         new->prevgraph = NULL;
01446         new->lastcontext = NULL;
01447       }
01448       dwrk->pushctr++;
01449     }
01450   }
01451 #endif
01453   if (debug2_flag) {
01454     jlog("DEBUG: %d pushed\n", dwrk->pushctr);
01455   }
01457   /********************/
01458   /* main search loop */
01459   /********************/
01461   for (;;) {
01463     /* if terminate signal has been received, cancel this input */
01464     /* 
01465      * if (recog->process_want_terminate) {
01466      *   jlog("DEBUG: process terminated by request\n");
01467      *   break;
01468      * }
01469      */
01471     /* 
01472      * 仮説スタックから最もスコアの高い仮説を取り出す
01473      * pop the top hypothesis from stack
01474      */
01475 #ifdef DEBUG
01476     jlog("DEBUG: get one hypothesis\n");
01477 #endif
01478     now = get_best_from_stack(&start,&stacknum);
01479     if (now == NULL) {  /* stack empty ---> 探索終了*/
01480       jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: hypothesis stack exhausted, terminate search now\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
01481       jlog("STAT: %02d %s: %d sentences have been found\n", r->config->id, r->config->name, dwrk->finishnum);
01482       break;
01483     }
01484     /* (bogus score check) */
01485     if (now->score <= LOG_ZERO) {
01486       free_node(now);
01487       continue;
01488     }
01491     /* 単語グラフ用に pop 仮説の f スコアを一時保存 */
01492     if (r->graphout) {
01493       prev_score = now->score;
01494     }
01496     /* word envelope チェック */
01497     /* consult word envelope */
01498     if (jconf->pass2.enveloped_bestfirst_width >= 0) {
01499       if (!wb_ok(dwrk, now, jconf->pass2.enveloped_bestfirst_width)) {
01500         /* この仮説長における展開元仮説数の累計数は既に閾値を越えている. 
01501            そのため,この仮説は捨てる. */
01502         /* the number of popped hypotheses at the length already
01503            reaches its limit, so the current popped hypothesis should
01504            be discarded here with no expansion */
01505         if (debug2_flag) {
01506           jlog("DEBUG: popped but pruned by word envelope:");
01507           put_hypo_woutput(now, r->lm->winfo);
01508         }
01509         free_node(now);
01510         continue;
01511       }
01512     }
01514 #ifdef CM_SEARCH_LIMIT_POP
01515     if (now->cmscore[now->seqnum-1] < jconf->annotate.cm_cut_thres_pop) {
01516       free_node(now);
01517       continue;
01518     }
01519 #endif /* CM_SEARCH_LIMIT_POP */
01521     dwrk->popctr++;
01523     /* (for debug) 取り出した仮説とそのスコアを出力 */
01524     /*             output information of the popped hypothesis to stdout */
01525     if (debug2_flag) {
01526       jlog("DEBUG: --- pop %d:\n", dwrk->popctr);
01527       jlog("DEBUG:  "); put_hypo_woutput(now, r->lm->winfo);
01528       jlog("DEBUG:  "); put_hypo_wname(now, r->lm->winfo);
01529       jlog("DEBUG:  %d words, f=%f, g=%f\n", now->seqnum, now->score, now->g[now->bestt]);
01530       jlog("DEBUG:  last word on trellis: [%d-%d]\n", now->estimated_next_t + 1, now->bestt);
01531     }
01533     dwrk->current = now;
01534     //callback_exec(CALLBACK_DEBUG_PASS2_POP, r);
01536     if (r->graphout) {
01539       /* merge last word in popped hypo if possible */
01540       wtmp = wordgraph_check_merge(now->prevgraph, &wordgraph_root, now->seq[now->seqnum-1], &merged_p, jconf);
01541       if (wtmp != NULL) {               /* wtmp holds merged word */
01542         dynamic_merged_num++;
01544         lscore_prev = (now->prevgraph) ? now->prevgraph->lscore_tmp : 0.0;
01546         if (now->prevgraph != NULL) {
01547           if (now->prevgraph->saved) {
01548             j_internal_error("wchmm_fbs: already saved??\n");
01549           }
01550           wordgraph_free(now->prevgraph);
01551         }
01553         if (now->lastcontext != NULL
01554             && now->lastcontext != wtmp /* avoid self loop */
01555             ) {
01556           wordgraph_check_and_add_leftword(now->lastcontext, wtmp, lscore_prev);
01558           if (merged_p) {
01559             if (wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(wtmp, now->lastcontext, lscore_prev) == FALSE) {
01560               merged_p = TRUE;
01561             } else {
01562               merged_p = FALSE;
01563             }
01564           } else {
01565             wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(wtmp, now->lastcontext, lscore_prev);
01566           }
01567 #else
01568           wordgraph_check_and_add_rightword(wtmp, now->lastcontext, lscore_prev);
01569 #endif    
01570         }
01572         now->prevgraph = wtmp;  /* change word to the merged one */
01574         /*printf("last word merged\n");*/
01575         /* previous still remains at memory here... (will be purged later) */
01576       } else {
01577         wordgraph_save(now->prevgraph, now->lastcontext, &wordgraph_root);
01578       }
01579 #ifdef GRAPHOUT_SEARCH
01580       /* if recent hypotheses are included in the existing graph, terminate */
01581       if (merged_p && now->endflag == FALSE
01583           /* Do not apply search termination by graph merging
01584              until the first sentence candidate is found. */
01585           && (jconf->graph.graphout_search_delay == FALSE || dwrk->finishnum > 0)
01586 #endif
01587           ) {
01588         terminate_search_num++;
01589         free_node(now);
01590         continue;
01591       }
01592 #endif
01593 #else  /* ~GRAPHOUT_DYNAMIC */
01594       /* always save */
01595       wordgraph_save(now->prevgraph, now->lastcontext, &wordgraph_root);
01596 #endif /* ~GRAPHOUT_DYNAMIC */
01597     }
01599     /* 取り出した仮説のスコアを元に score envelope を更新 */
01600     /* update score envelope using the popped hypothesis */
01601     envl_update(dwrk, now, peseqlen);
01603     /* 
01604      * 取り出した仮説の受理フラグが既に立っていれば,
01605      * その仮説は探索終了とみなし,結果として出力して次のループへ. 
01606      *
01607      * If the popped hypothesis already reached to the end, 
01608      * we can treat it as a recognition result.
01609      */
01610 #ifdef DEBUG
01611     VERMES("endflag check\n");
01612 #endif
01614     if (now->endflag) {
01615       if (debug2_flag) {
01616         jlog("DEBUG:  This is a full sentence candidate\n");
01617       }
01618       /* quick, dirty hack */
01619       if (now->score == last_score) {
01620         free_node(now);
01621         continue;
01622       } else {
01623         last_score = now->score;
01624       }
01626       dwrk->finishnum++;
01627       if (debug2_flag) {
01628         jlog("DEBUG:  %d-th sentence found\n", dwrk->finishnum);
01629       }
01631         /* 一定数の仮説が得られたあとスコアでソートするため,
01632            一時的に別のスタックに格納しておく */
01633         /* store the result to result stack
01634            after search is finished, they will be re-ordered and output */
01635         put_to_stack(now, &r_start, &r_bottom, &r_stacknum, r_stacksize);
01636         /* 指定数の文仮説が得られたなら探索を終了する */
01637         /* finish search if specified number of results are found */
01638         if (dwrk->finishnum >= ncan) {
01639           break;
01640         } else {
01641           continue;
01642         }
01644     } /* end of now->endflag */
01647     /* 
01648      * 探索失敗を検出する. 
01649      * 仮説数が maxhypo 以上展開されたら, もうこれ以上は探索しない
01650      *
01651      * detecting search failure:
01652      * if the number of expanded hypotheses reaches maxhypo, giveup further search
01653      */
01654 #ifdef DEBUG
01655     jlog("DEBUG: loop end check\n");
01656 #endif
01657     if (dwrk->popctr >= maxhypo) {
01658       jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: num of popped hypotheses reached the limit (%d)\n", r->config->id, r->config->name, maxhypo);
01659       /* (for debug) 探索失敗時に、スタックに残った情報を吐き出す */
01660       /* (for debug) output all hypothesis remaining in the stack */
01661       if (debug2_flag) put_all_in_stack(&start, &stacknum, r->lm->winfo);
01662       free_node(now);
01663       break;                    /* end of search */
01664     }
01665     /* 仮説長が一定値を越えたとき,その仮説を破棄する */
01666     /* check hypothesis word length overflow */
01667     if (now->seqnum >= MAXSEQNUM) {
01668       jlog("ERROR: sentence length exceeded system limit ( > %d)\n", MAXSEQNUM);
01669       free_node(now);
01670       continue;
01671     }
01674     if (r->graphout) {
01675       /* if monophone (= no backscan), the tail g score should be kept here */
01676       /* else, updated tail g score will be computed in scan_word()  */
01677       if(!jconf->am.ccd_flag) {
01678         now->tail_g_score = now->g[now->bestt];
01679       }
01680     }
01681 #endif
01683     /*
01684      * 前向きスコアを更新する: 最後の単語の部分の前向きスコアを計算する. 
01685      * update forward score: compute forward trellis for the last word
01686      */
01687 #ifdef DEBUG
01688     jlog("DEBUG: scan_word\n");
01689 #endif
01690     scan_word(now, param, r);
01691     if (now->score < LOG_ZERO) { /* another end-of-search detecter */
01692       jlog("WARNING: too low score, ignore: score=%f",now->score);
01693       put_hypo_woutput(now, r->lm->winfo);
01694       free_node(now);
01695       continue;
01696     }
01698     /* 
01699      * 取り出した仮説が文として受理可能であれば,
01700      * 受理フラグを立ててをスタックにいれ直しておく. 
01701      * (次に取り出されたら解となる)
01702      *
01703      * if the current popped hypothesis is acceptable, set endflag
01704      * and return it to stack: it will become the recognition result
01705      * when popped again.
01706      */
01707 #ifdef DEBUG
01708     jlog("DEBUG: accept check\n");
01709 #endif
01711     if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01712       acc = ngram_acceptable(now, r);
01713     } else if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01714       acc = dfa_acceptable(now, r);
01715     }
01716     if (acc && now->estimated_next_t <= 5) {
01717       new = newnode(r);
01718       /* new に now の中身をコピーして,最終的なスコアを計算 */
01719       /* copy content of 'now' to 'new', and compute the final score */
01720       last_next_word(now, new, param, r);
01721       if (debug2_flag) {
01722         jlog("DEBUG:  This is acceptable as a sentence candidate\n");
01723       }
01724       /* g[] が入力始端に達していなければ棄却 */
01725       /* reject this sentence candidate if g[] does not reach the end */
01726       if (new->score <= LOG_ZERO) {
01727         if (debug2_flag) {
01728           jlog("DEBUG:  But invalid because Viterbi pass does not reach the 0th frame\n");
01729         }
01730         free_node(new);
01731         free_node(now);
01732         continue;
01733       }
01734       /* 受理フラグを立てて入れ直す */
01735       /* set endflag and push again  */
01736       if (debug2_flag) {
01737         jlog("DEBUG  This hypo itself was pushed with final score=%f\n", new->score);
01738       }
01739       new->endflag = TRUE;
01740       if (put_to_stack(new, &start, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize) != -1) {
01741         if (r->graphout) {
01742           if (new->score > LOG_ZERO) {
01743             new->lastcontext = now->prevgraph;
01744             new->prevgraph = wordgraph_assign(new->seq[new->seqnum-1],
01745                                               WORD_INVALID,
01746                                               (new->seqnum >= 2) ? new->seq[new->seqnum-2] : WORD_INVALID,
01747                                               0,
01749                                               /* wordend are shifted to the last */
01750 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
01751                                               new->wordend_frame[0],
01752 #else
01753                                               now->wordend_frame[0],
01754 #endif
01755 #else
01756                                               now->bestt,
01757 #endif
01758                                               new->score,
01759                                               prev_score,
01760                                               now->g[0],
01762 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
01763                                               new->wordend_gscore[0],
01764 #else
01765                                               now->wordend_gscore[0],
01766 #endif
01767 #else
01768                                               now->tail_g_score,
01769 #endif
01770                                               now->lscore,
01771 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01772                                               new->cmscore[new->seqnum-1],
01773 #else
01774                                               LOG_ZERO,
01775 #endif
01776                                               r
01777                                               );
01778           } else {
01779             new->lastcontext = now->lastcontext;
01780             new->prevgraph = now->prevgraph;
01781           }
01782         } /* put_to_stack() != -1 */
01783       } /* recog->graphout */
01784       /* この仮説はここで終わらずに, ここからさらに単語展開する */
01785       /* continue with the 'now' hypothesis, not terminate here */
01786     }
01788     /*
01789      * この仮説から,次単語集合を決定する. 
01790      * 次単語集合は, この仮説の推定始端フレーム周辺に存在した
01791      * 第1パスのトレリス単語集合. 
01792      *
01793      * N-gramの場合は各単語の n-gram 接続確率が含まれる. 
01794      * DFA の場合は, その中でさらに DFA 上で接続可能なもののみが返ってくる
01795      */
01796     /*
01797      * Determine next word set that can connect to this hypothesis.
01798      * They come from the trellis word that has been survived at near the
01799      * beginning of the last word.
01800      *
01801      * In N-gram mode, they also contain N-gram probabilities toward the
01802      * source hypothesis.  In DFA mode, the word set is further reduced
01803      * by the grammatical constraint
01804      */
01805 #ifdef DEBUG
01806     jlog("DEBUG: get next words\n");
01807 #endif
01808     if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01809       nwnum = ngram_nextwords(now, nextword, maxnwnum, r);
01810     } else if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01811       nwnum = dfa_nextwords(now, nextword, maxnwnum, r);
01812       /* nextword が溢れたら、バッファを増やして再チャレンジ */
01813       /* If the number of nextwords can exceed the buffer size, expand the
01814          nextword data area */
01815       while (nwnum < 0) {
01816         nextword = nw_expand(nextword, &maxnwnum, &nwroot, winfo->num);
01817         nwnum = dfa_nextwords(now, nextword, maxnwnum, r);
01818       }
01819     }
01820     if (debug2_flag) {
01821       jlog("DEBUG:  %d words extracted from wordtrellis\n", nwnum);
01822     }
01824     /* 
01825      * 仮説と次単語集合から新たな文仮説を生成し,スタックにいれる. 
01826      */
01827     /*
01828      * generate new hypotheses from 'now' and 'nextword', 
01829      * and push them to stack
01830      */
01831 #ifdef DEBUG
01832     jlog("DEBUG: generate hypo\n");
01833 #endif
01835     if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01836       now_noise_calced = FALSE; /* TRUE is noise-inserted score has been calculated */
01837     }
01838     i = dwrk->pushctr;          /* store old value */
01840 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01841     /* initialize local stack */
01842     cm_init(dwrk, winfo->num, jconf->annotate.cm_alpha
01843 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
01844             , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_num
01845 #endif
01846             );
01847 #endif
01849     /* for each nextword, generate a new hypothesis */
01850     for (w = 0; w < nwnum; w++) {
01851       if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01852         /* limit word hypothesis */
01853         if (! (winfo->wton[nextword[w]->id] >= cate_bgn && winfo->wton[nextword[w]->id] < cate_bgn + cate_num)) {
01854           continue;
01855         }
01856       }
01857       new = newnode(r);
01859       if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
01861         if (nextword[w]->can_insert_sp == TRUE) {
01862           /* ノイズを挟んだトレリススコアを計算し,挟まない場合との最大値を取る */
01863           /* compute hypothesis score with noise inserted */
01865           if (now_noise_calced == FALSE) {
01866             /* now に sp をつけた仮説 now_noise を作り,そのスコアを計算 */
01867             /* generate temporal hypothesis 'now_noise' which has short-pause
01868                word after the original 'now' */
01869             fornoise.id = gdfa->sp_id;
01870             now_noise = newnode(r);
01871             cpy_node(now_noise, now);
01872 #if 0
01873             now_noise_tmp = newnode(r);
01874             next_word(now, now_noise_tmp, &fornoise, param, r);
01875             scan_word(now_noise_tmp, param, r);
01876             for(t=0;t<peseqlen;t++) {
01877               now_noise->g[t] = max(now_noise_tmp->g[t], now->g[t]);
01878             }
01879             free_node(now_noise_tmp);
01880 #else
01881             /* expand NOISE only if it exists in backward trellis */
01882             /* begin patch by kashima */
01883             if (jconf->pass2.looktrellis_flag) {
01884               if(!dfa_look_around(&fornoise, now, r)){
01885                 free_node(now_noise);
01886                 free_node(new);
01887                 continue;
01888               }
01889             }
01890             /* end patch by kashima */
01892             /* now_nosie の スコア g[] を計算し,元の now の g[] と比較して
01893                高い方を採用 */
01894             /* compute trellis score g[], and adopt the maximum score
01895                for each frame compared with now->g[] */
01896             next_word(now, now_noise, &fornoise, param, r);
01897             scan_word(now_noise, param, r);
01898             for(t=0;t<peseqlen;t++) {
01899               now_noise->g[t] = max(now_noise->g[t], now->g[t]);
01900             }
01901             /* ノイズを挟んだ際を考慮したスコアを計算したので,
01902                ここで最後のノイズ単語を now_noise から消す */
01903             /* now that score has been computed considering pause insertion,
01904                we can delete the last noise word from now_noise here */
01905             now_noise->seqnum--;
01906 #endif
01907             now_noise_calced = TRUE;
01908           }
01910           /* expand word only if it exists in backward trellis */
01911           /* begin patch by kashima */
01912           if (jconf->pass2.looktrellis_flag) {
01913             if(!dfa_look_around(nextword[w], now_noise, r)){
01914               free_node(new);
01915               continue;
01916             }
01917           }
01918           /* end patch by kashima */
01920           /* 新しい仮説' new' を 'now_noise' から生成 */
01921           /* generate a new hypothesis 'new' from 'now_noise' */
01922           next_word(now_noise, new, nextword[w], param, r);
01924         } else {
01926           /* expand word only if it exists in backward trellis */
01927           /* begin patch by kashima */
01928           if (jconf->pass2.looktrellis_flag) {
01929             if(!dfa_look_around(nextword[w], now, r)){
01930               free_node(new);
01931               continue;
01932             }
01933           }
01934           /* end patch by kashima */
01936           /* 新しい仮説' new' を 'now_noise' から生成 */
01937           /* generate a new hypothesis 'new' from 'now_noise' */
01938           next_word(now, new, nextword[w], param, r);
01940         }
01941       }
01943       if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
01945         /* 新しい仮説' new' を 'now_noise' から生成
01946            N-gram の場合はノイズを特別扱いしない */
01947         /* generate a new hypothesis 'new' from 'now'.
01948            pause insertion is treated as same as normal words in N-gram mode. */
01949         next_word(now, new, nextword[w], param, r);
01951       }
01953       if (new->score <= LOG_ZERO) { /* not on trellis */
01954         free_node(new);
01955         continue;
01956       }
01958       dwrk->genectr++;
01960 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
01961       /* store the local hypothesis to temporal stack */
01962       cm_store(dwrk, new);
01963 #else 
01964       /* 生成した仮説 'new' をスタックに入れる */
01965       /* push the generated hypothesis 'new' to stack */
01967       /* stack overflow */
01968       if (can_put_to_stack(new, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize) == -1) {
01969         free_node(new);
01970         continue;
01971       }
01973       if (r->graphout) {
01974         /* assign a word arc to the last fixed word */
01975         new->lastcontext = now->prevgraph;
01976         new->prevgraph = wordgraph_assign(new->seq[new->seqnum-2],
01977                                           new->seq[new->seqnum-1],
01978                                           (new->seqnum >= 3) ? new->seq[new->seqnum-3] : WORD_INVALID,
01979                                           new->bestt + 1,
01981 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
01982                                           /* most up-to-date wordend_gscore is on new, because the last phone of 'now' will be computed at next_word() */
01983                                           new->wordend_frame[new->bestt],
01984 #else
01985                                           now->wordend_frame[new->bestt],
01986 #endif
01987 #else
01988                                           now->bestt,
01989 #endif
01990                                           new->score, prev_score,
01991 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
01992                                           new->g[new->bestt] - new->lscore,
01993 #else
01994                                           now->g[new->bestt+1],
01995 #endif
01997 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
01998                                           /* most up-to-date wordend_gscore is on new, because the last phone of 'now' will be computed at next_word() */
01999                                           new->wordend_gscore[new->bestt],
02000 #else
02001                                           now->wordend_gscore[new->bestt],
02002 #endif
02003 #else
02004                                           now->tail_g_score,
02005 #endif
02006                                           now->lscore,
02007 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
02008                                           new->cmscore[new->seqnum-2],
02009 #else
02010                                           LOG_ZERO,
02011 #endif
02012                                           r
02013                                           );
02014       } /* recog->graphout */
02015       put_to_stack(new, &start, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize);
02016       if (debug2_flag) {
02017         j = new->seq[new->seqnum-1];
02018         jlog("DEBUG:  %15s [%15s](id=%5d)(%f) [%d-%d] pushed\n",winfo->wname[j], winfo->woutput[j], j, new->score, new->estimated_next_t + 1, new->bestt);
02019       }
02020       dwrk->current = new;
02021       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_DEBUG_PASS2_PUSH, r);
02022       dwrk->pushctr++;
02023 #endif
02024     } /* end of nextword loop */
02026 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
02027     /* compute score sum */
02028     cm_sum_score(dwrk
02029 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
02030                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn 
02031                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_end
02032                  , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_step
02033 #endif
02034                  );
02035     /* compute CM and put the generated hypotheses to global stack */
02036     while ((new = cm_get_node(dwrk)) != NULL) {
02037       cm_set_score(dwrk, new
02038 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
02039                    , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_bgn
02040                    , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_end
02041                    , jconf->annotate.cm_alpha_step
02042 #endif
02043                    );
02044 #ifdef CM_SEARCH_LIMIT
02045       if (new->cmscore[new->seqnum-1] < jconf->annotate.cm_cut_thres
02047           && dwrk->finishnum > 0
02048 #endif
02049           ) {
02050         free_node(new);
02051         continue;
02052       }
02053 #endif /* CM_SEARCH_LIMIT */
02054       /*      j = new->seq[new->seqnum-1];
02055               printf("  %15s [%15s](id=%5d)(%f) [%d-%d] cm=%f\n",winfo->wname[j], winfo->woutput[j], j, new->score, new->estimated_next_t + 1, new->bestt, new->cmscore[new->seqnum-1]);*/
02057       /* stack overflow */
02058       if (can_put_to_stack(new, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize) == -1) {
02059         free_node(new);
02060         continue;
02061       }
02063       if (r->graphout) {
02065         /* assign a word arc to the last fixed word */
02066         new->lastcontext = now->prevgraph;
02067         new->prevgraph = wordgraph_assign(new->seq[new->seqnum-2],
02068                                           new->seq[new->seqnum-1],
02069                                           (new->seqnum >= 3) ? new->seq[new->seqnum-3] : WORD_INVALID,
02070                                           new->bestt + 1,
02072 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
02073                                           new->wordend_frame[new->bestt],
02074 #else
02075                                           now->wordend_frame[new->bestt],
02076 #endif
02077 #else
02078                                           now->bestt,
02079 #endif
02080                                           new->score, prev_score,
02081 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
02082                                           new->g[new->bestt] - new->lscore,
02083 #else
02084                                           now->g[new->bestt+1],
02085 #endif
02087 #ifdef PASS2_STRICT_IWCD
02088                                           new->wordend_gscore[new->bestt],
02089 #else
02090                                           now->wordend_gscore[new->bestt],
02091 #endif
02092 #else
02093                                           now->tail_g_score,
02094 #endif
02095                                           now->lscore,
02096 #ifdef CM_SEARCH
02097                                           new->cmscore[new->seqnum-2],
02098 #else
02099                                           LOG_ZERO,
02100 #endif
02101                                           r
02102                                           );
02103       } /* recog->graphout */
02105       put_to_stack(new, &start, &bottom, &stacknum, stacksize);
02106       if (debug2_flag) {
02107         j = new->seq[new->seqnum-1];
02108         jlog("DEBUG:  %15s [%15s](id=%5d)(%f) [%d-%d] pushed\n",winfo->wname[j], winfo->woutput[j], j, new->score, new->estimated_next_t + 1, new->bestt);
02109       }
02110       dwrk->current = new;
02111       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_DEBUG_PASS2_PUSH, r);
02112       dwrk->pushctr++;
02113     }
02114 #endif
02116     if (debug2_flag) {
02117       jlog("DEBUG: %d pushed\n",dwrk->pushctr-i);
02118     }
02119     if (r->lmtype == LM_DFA) {
02120       if (now_noise_calced == TRUE) free_node(now_noise);
02121     }
02123     /* 
02124      * 取り出した仮説を捨てる
02125      * free the source hypothesis
02126      */
02127     free_node(now);
02129   }
02130   /***************/
02131   /* End of Loop */
02132   /***************/
02134   /* output */
02135   if (dwrk->finishnum == 0) {           /* if search failed */
02137     /* finalize result when no hypothesis was obtained */
02138     if (verbose_flag) {
02139       if (r->config->sw.fallback_pass1_flag) {
02140         jlog("%02d %s: got no candidates, output 1st pass result as a final result\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
02141       } else {
02142         jlog("WARNING: %02d %s: got no candidates, search failed\n", r->config->id, r->config->name);
02143       }
02144     }
02145     pass2_finalize_on_no_result(r, r->config->sw.fallback_pass1_flag);
02147   } else {                      /* if at least 1 candidate found */
02149     if (debug2_flag) {
02150       jlog("STAT: %02d %s: got %d candidates\n", r->config->id, r->config->name, dwrk->finishnum);
02151     }
02152       /* 結果はまだ出力されていないので,文候補用スタック内をソートして
02153          ここで出力する */
02154       /* As all of the found candidate are in result stack, we sort them
02155          and output them here  */
02156       if (debug2_flag) jlog("DEBUG: done\n");
02157       result_reorder_and_output(&r_start, &r_bottom, &r_stacknum, jconf->output.output_hypo_maxnum, r, param);
02159       r->result.status = J_RESULT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
02160       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT, r);
02161       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_EVENT_PASS2_END, r);
02162   }
02164   /* 各種カウンタを出力 */
02165   /* output counters */
02166   if (verbose_flag) {
02167     jlog("STAT: %02d %s: %d generated, %d pushed, %d nodes popped in %d\n",
02168          r->config->id, r->config->name,
02169          dwrk->genectr, dwrk->pushctr, dwrk->popctr, backtrellis->framelen);
02170     jlog_flush();
02172     if (r->graphout) {
02173       jlog("STAT: %02d %s: graph: %d merged", r->config->id, r->config->name, dynamic_merged_num);
02174 #ifdef GRAPHOUT_SEARCH
02175       jlog("S, %d terminated", terminate_search_num);
02176 #endif
02177       jlog(" in %d\n", dwrk->popctr);
02178     }
02179 #endif
02180   }
02182   if (dwrk->finishnum > 0 && r->graphout) {
02183     if (verbose_flag) jlog("STAT: ------ wordgraph post-processing begin ------\n");
02184     /* garbage collection and word merging */
02185     /* words with no following word (except end of sentence) will be erased */
02186     wordgraph_purge_leaf_nodes(&wordgraph_root, r);
02188     /* perform word graph depth cutting here */
02189     wordgraph_depth_cut(&wordgraph_root, r);
02190 #endif
02192     /* if GRAPHOUT_PRECISE_BOUNDARY defined,
02193        propagate exact time boundary to the right context.
02194        words of different boundary will be duplicated here.
02195     */
02196     wordgraph_adjust_boundary(&wordgraph_root, r);
02198     if (jconf->graph.confnet) {
02201       /* old merging functions should be skipped */
02203       /* finalize: sort and annotate ID */
02204       r->graph_totalwordnum = wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id(&wordgraph_root, r);
02205       /* check coherence */
02206       wordgraph_check_coherence(wordgraph_root, r);
02207       /* compute graph CM by forward-backward processing */
02208       graph_forward_backward(wordgraph_root, r);
02209       if (verbose_flag) jlog("STAT: ------ wordgraph post-processing end ------\n");
02211       r->result.wg = wordgraph_root;
02213       /* 
02214        * if (jconf->graph.lattice) {
02215        *   callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_GRAPH, r);
02216        * }
02217        */
02219       /* parse the graph to extract order relationship */
02220       graph_make_order(wordgraph_root, r);
02221       /* create confusion network */
02222       r->result.confnet = confnet_create(wordgraph_root, r);
02223       /* output confusion network */
02224       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_CONFNET, r);
02225       /* free area for order relationship */
02226       graph_free_order(r);
02227       /* free confusion network clusters */
02228       //cn_free_all(&(r->result.confnet));
02230     } else if (jconf->graph.lattice) {
02233       /* merge words with the same time and same score */
02234       wordgraph_compaction_thesame(&wordgraph_root);
02235       /* merge words with the same time (skip if "-graphrange -1") */
02236       wordgraph_compaction_exacttime(&wordgraph_root, r);
02237       /* merge words of near time (skip if "-graphrange" value <= 0 */
02238       wordgraph_compaction_neighbor(&wordgraph_root, r);
02239       /* finalize: sort and annotate ID */
02240       r->graph_totalwordnum = wordgraph_sort_and_annotate_id(&wordgraph_root, r);
02241       /* check coherence */
02242       wordgraph_check_coherence(wordgraph_root, r);
02243       /* compute graph CM by forward-backward processing */
02244       graph_forward_backward(wordgraph_root, r);
02245       if (verbose_flag) jlog("STAT: ------ wordgraph post-processing end ------\n");
02246       /* output graph */
02247       r->result.wg = wordgraph_root;
02248       //callback_exec(CALLBACK_RESULT_GRAPH, r);
02250     } else {
02251       j_internal_error("InternalError: graph generation specified but no output format specified?\n");
02252     }
02254     /* clear all wordgraph */
02255     //wordgraph_clean(&(r->result.wg));
02256   } /* r->graphout */
02259   /* 終了処理 */
02260   /* finalize */
02261   nw_free(nextword, nwroot);
02262   free_all_nodes(start);
02263   free_wordtrellis(dwrk);
02264 #ifdef SCAN_BEAM
02265   free(dwrk->framemaxscore);
02266 #endif
02267   //result_sentence_free(r);
02268   clear_stocker(dwrk);
02269 }
02287 void
02288 wchmm_fbs_prepare(RecogProcess *r)
02289 {
02290   StackDecode *dwrk;
02291   dwrk = &(r->pass2);
02293   /* N-gram 用ワークエリアを確保 */
02294   /* malloc work area for N-gram */
02295   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB && r->lm->ngram) {
02296     dwrk->cnword = (WORD_ID *)mymalloc(sizeof(WORD_ID) * r->lm->ngram->n);
02297     dwrk->cnwordrev = (WORD_ID *)mymalloc(sizeof(WORD_ID) * r->lm->ngram->n);
02298   } else {
02299     dwrk->cnword = dwrk->cnwordrev = NULL;
02300   }
02301   dwrk->stocker_root = NULL;
02303 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
02304   dwrk->cmsumlist = NULL;
02305 #endif
02306 #ifdef CM_NBEST;
02307   dwrk->sentcm = NULL;
02308   dwrk->wordcm = NULL;
02309 #endif
02310 #endif
02311 }
02329 void
02330 wchmm_fbs_free(RecogProcess *r)
02331 {
02332   StackDecode *dwrk;
02333   dwrk = &(r->pass2);
02335   if (r->lmtype == LM_PROB && r->lm->ngram) {
02336     free(dwrk->cnword);
02337     free(dwrk->cnwordrev);
02338     dwrk->cnword = dwrk->cnwordrev = NULL;
02339   }
02342 #ifdef CM_MULTIPLE_ALPHA
02343   if (dwrk->cmsumlist) {
02344     free(dwrk->cmsumlist);
02345     dwrk->cmsumlist = NULL;
02346   }
02347 #endif
02348 #ifdef CM_NBEST;
02349   if (dwrk->sentcm) {
02350     free(dwrk->sentcm);
02351     dwrk->sentcm = NULL;
02352   }
02353   if (dwrk->wordcm) {
02354     free(dwrk->wordcm);
02355     dwrk->wordcm = NULL;
02356   }
02357 #endif
02358 #endif
02359 }
02361 /* end of file */